(Das Heer)
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Incredible Statuary Grouping Taken from a French Army HQ in 1940 (Item WEHR 32-1 & FRAN 4-7) |
DESCRIPTION: This is a wonderful sculpture executed in iron that was a German officer’s trophy in WWII. We met the widow of this officer at an antique show in Stuttgart Germany last year and found out that she had this sculpture group. After the conversation with her we arranged to go to her apartment in Berlin a week later where we managed to negotiate and purchase it. It is a fantastic artistic sculpture that depicts a scene of morbid but romantically exciting sequence with three central figures and two horses. The piece was taken from a Field Headquarters connected to the Maginot line, Frances seemingly impenetrable defensive fortification. The sculpture was on a desk that was used by a Commanding officer in what was referred to as a ‘Petits Ouvrages’, a small adjacent fortress compound that reinforced the line of infantry bunkers that served for barracks, electric generator centrals, mess halls and officers’ quarters. After the German onslaught that ran over all French defenses in a matter of days in May of 1940, it is presumed that the unexpected happened so quickly that the French officer fled with practically none of his personal possessions other that the clothing on his back. Our German officer felt this was a fine trophy of war and he obviously did not sling it into a field pack (note: condition!) He carefully hauled it off to Paris and after packaging it very carefully he sent it intact to his wife in Berlin. The subject is noted on a plaque at the bottom of the base: La Chasse a La Fortune – this translates to roughly – ‘Hunting for Fortune’. To try to make sense of this statement can only be extrapolated by viewing the subject. (Suggestion) We have what looks to be a military man on horseback fleeing for his very life from the also mounted Grim Reaper who bears a great scythe and seeks to cut our hero down with it. Lying on the base is the figure of an obviously deceased maiden whose lifeless arm extends over the planks or base. (Artistic excellence!) (Theory) Could this in its depiction demonstrate the fortunes of greed? Could this cavalier have lost his lover through his quest for fame and fortune and now flees from the just retribution that is now at hand? Would you have a better theory? In any case, it is a most unusual subject and very possibly it is entirely unique. We have studied and merchandized bronze and iron sculptures for many years in America and in Europe but never seen anything like this. Cast iron figures are just as popular as bronze and often better detailed. This is certainly an example of the finest in this art form. The base is 13 inches long. The base is made to depict a plank bridge with realistic looking boards joined together. The measurement of the figure is for instance 12 inches from the bottom of the bridge to the top of the cavalier's head. There is an extension of the base that extends out the front that has a hole in it. Why??? This stumps us completely. Was it a place for something additional? Or, was it part of the legend? Only the artist would know and he probably belongs to the ages. So dear collector, here is our chance to own something not only historically important but presumably unique and ascetically stimulating. PRICE: SOLD |
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Six Issue Dining Hall Forks from German Army Mess Hall (Item WEHR 32-2) |
DESCRIPTION: Here in mint condition is a set of six forks in aluminum as issued to Das Heers, the German army. We have had such forks before but never in this condition. They generally show much use. They each bear the deeply stamped eagle and swastika and each has the marks WSUCL-42 on the tang as well and the word ‘aluminium’ spelled with a big ‘A’. They are 8 ½ inches long and feather light. Sold as a set only. These forks are usually sold in the usual rather beat up, scratched up condition for about $100.00 each but we are offering them for $375.00 for the whole six. Now, for the incredible part. These pieces are so mint that we include the original box that they originally came packed in back in the 40’s. The box is not in great shape but it is the original packaging and would be a showpiece for a grand display with the forks. This is a real piece of WWII history and rather unique with the actual box. Note the logo on the end of the box matches the one on the back of the forks. PRICE: $375.00 |
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Ashtray from the Kaserne of the Mountain Troops (Nord) (Item WEHR 32-3 & WAF 12-26) |
DESCRIPTION: This is a neat little ashtray that is from the mountain troop Kaserne of the 6th SS Mountain Division Nord. It measures 3 ½ x 3 ½ inches square, and has the edelweiss flower in its center, that is hand painted. The Edelweiss is a beautiful white flower that only thrives in the wild in mountain heights and has been the symbol and insignia of mountaineers and mountain troop soldiers. At the top of the flower are the words Waffen SS and at the bottom it says 6- SS- Geburgs Division Nord”. The piece was created by the Royal Porzellan Bavaria (KM) Germany and it says handarbeit (handmade). It is a lovely little piece of kitsch but historically important as this division was the only Waffen SS unit to fight in the Arctic Circle where it was stationed in Finland and northern Russia, between June and November 1941. It fought in Karelia until the Finish Armistice in Sept 1944 when it marched on foot 1,600 m- through Finland and Norway. It arrived in Denmark in December and then transferred to western Germany. It fought in the Nordwind Offensive in Jan. 1945 where it suffered heavy losses and surrendered to American forces in Austria at the end of the war. PRICE: SOLD |
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Book: Eine Ganze Welt Gegen Uns (The Whole World Against Us) (Item WEHR 32-4 & KBOOK 3-7) |
DESCRIPTION: This is an extremely rare book comprised of 287 pages of the most compelling photos ever recorded in Germany’s history. It is essentially an anti-war book that shows the German Nations bravado and quest of glory in World War One (the War to end all wars!) and traces the path to ignominious defeat. Front line soldiers, tanks, airplanes, artillery. The enemy forces from France, Britain, USA, Russia, and corpses, many corpses. War at its ugliest on land, sea and in the air. The book holds one spellbound page after page. Hundreds of graphic photos (clear and photographically refined). It was published in 1934 the second year of Hitler’s ascension to power. Yes, it was anti-war contrary to the tales of the Nazis being a party that desired war. Yes, there was censorship in Germany in those years and no book could have been published that would belittle the Fatherland or its most celebrated hero of the great conflict, but this book honors the soldiers and the nation and is basically a volume dedicated to the premise that there should be no more ‘brother wars’. Hitler and Germany had experienced enough of this bloodletting and wanted peace with the nations. This is a fact that is at variance with the orthodox popular view as supplanted in the minds of gullible people. Revision is bringing history to the truth. I wish we could show every picture in this amazing book but space does not allow it but please believe me when I say that there are many photo masterpieces in the hundreds of pictures found on these pages. As the (neo-con imperialists in the U. S. now push along on their dangerous paths of Imperialism and beget the hatred of much of the world population our watchword might well be “Eine Ganze Welt Gegen Uns”. The book is in fine condition with a few little scratches on the cover probably the most historically important book on the war ever offered. PRICE: $280.00 Expensive? Absolutely NOT! Rare and most sought after |
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Mess Hall China Luncheon Plates (Pair) (Item WEHR 32-6) |
DESCRIPTION: Two plates from the DAF (Deutsches Arbeits Front). They are luncheon plates or perhaps cake dishes. They measure 7 ½ inches in diameter and are marked with the cogged wheel swastika that has the legend around it that says (Modell Des Amtes Schonheit der Arbeit). This works out to (Model of the office of beauty of labor. Above this is a glider airplane that has the words Felda Rohn. This was the site of experimental aircraft In the Rohn region of Germany. PRICE: $165.00 for the pair |
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Wehrmacht (Das Heer) Coffee Cup (Item WEHR 32-7) |
DESCRIPTION: This is the best one we have ever seen (big!) -- 5 ½ inch tail with a 3 ½ inch mouth opening, beautifully marked with a clear N.S. eagle emblem and the mark of the famed German porcelain firm of Hutschenreuther that firm was in business from 1814 to the present. This cup was produced in 1942 and is marked as such. This is a very unusual one due to its shape and size. Its finish is with black handle while the body is white and it has a red rim. (The German National colors). Great shape except for one minuet chip at the bottom that is hardly noticeable. The average Das Heers coffee cup is usually priced at $175.00. This one is different and is actually a great one indeed. PRICE: SOLD |
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Two Huge Albums Chronicling Military Events of the Third Reich in the Stuttgart Area (ITEM WEHR 32-8 & ALBUMS 3-5) |
DESCRIPTION: These two brown linen covered albums are replete with 7 x 4 ½" size sharp black and white photos of ceremonies and visitations of important military and N.S. Civil Officials to the central German city of Stuttgart. There is a stamp and a label also that shows this was from 1936 on the covers. The labels indicate that these albums were the property of Section 26 Reserve Division of the army and chronicles a festive meeting in 1936. There obviously were more albums but these are NR 3 + 5. In Volume 5 there are 30 pictures all highly professionally done showing the visitation of the Gaulieter and Gaulietung plus various high ranking N.S. people and Wehrmacht Generals at somber ceremonies for the fallen of WW 1, assemblages of German soldiers in dress attire, etc. (great photos). In Volume 2 we have similar 3 ½ x 5" photos showing further festivities reviews, parades, spike helmeted military figures, N.S.D.A.P officials and in the end a presentation before a massive audience of a vivid presentation of either a film or a moving pantomime of events of the war. There are 96 photos in this album most of the events are staged around the central city square of Stuttgart and I recognize the lion and stag bronze heraldic symbols that are seen in the back ground of the various scenes.(still there). The albums measure 16 x 12 ½" in size and are in great shape (76 years old). Here is an actual glimpse of the majesty of the German martial spirit reflected in the faces, the Pomp and Ceremony. It was a time vilified by Belanglosen “inconsequential people” but it still remains admirable by those among us that should be considered “Enormen”! PRICE: SOLD |
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Child’s (Third Reich) Tin Helmet (Item WEHR 32-9 & KTOY 1-10) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a helmet rarer than any issue stalhelm of the Second World War. Yes, of course a Waffen SS helmet would bring much more in value than this little gem, but still this Lilliputian helmet is much more scarce by far! German soldiers were proud of their service to the Fatherland and their little boys were equally proud of their dads. And of course there is the national inclination of male children to play at being the soldier so just as in other lands the German boy was infatuated by toy guns, swords, and the eternal ‘helmet’. The one we feature here is of the transitional style That is to say the helmets of the 1917 WWI style where the lugs protrude from the sides above the decals. Besides being air vents these lugs were utilized in the real helmets as fastening devices for the protective machine gunners face shield. Everything about the little helmet is accurate even the precise color of the 1935-1940 pieces. The eagle decal is the full size just like the full size issue helmets of Das Heers (Army). But the national color decal is small. This might indicate that the decal with the national eagle might have been a replacement by possibly a patriotically august father who loved the proud Wehrmacht symbol. The liner inside is as it would be, the chin strap was torn away at some time in its history but it is there but precariously holding on. The size is naturally small. It has some small dents and abrasions but holding well. I would call it in great shape and certainly rare. PRICE: SOLD |
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Dress Fire Department Ax from the Saar Louis-Graf Werder Kaserne (Item WEHR 32-10; NSDAP 18-28) |
DESCRIPTION: This is a traditional dress-parade fire ax as worn in ceremonial occasions at the famed Saar Louis Kaserne (camp) of the Wehrmacht in the center of the Saarlands by Zweibrucken. This is today the main training camp for the German Army (Bundeswehr). The camp was originally built in the Reich of Louis XIV, but it came under the Peace of Paris to Prussia and they enlarged the fortifications. When the Prussians took over, the barracks was named Graf Werder Kaserne; named after Karl Wilhelm Friedrich August Graf (Count Von Werder), who was a famed Prussian general who greatly distinguished himself in the Austrian-Prussian War of 1866 at Königgrätz. Later, in the Franco-Prussian War, he captured Strasbourg after a long and famous siege. The compound was so big (like a city) it had all the institutions that would be necessary for a social and business situation; it had its own banks, theatres, hospitals, police barracks, and fire department. These firemen had special dress uniforms and musical bandsmen. They sported special regalia for their ceremonial events to include the dress fire ax similar to the ones used by other such functionaries throughout the Kaiser Reich and the Third Reich. Actually, the tradition goes back much farther than that. The ax that we feature here is a long one (longer than most); it’s 22 ½ inches long. The ax head is 5 inches long, the medallion in the center of the handle is 1 ¾ inches high and 1 inch in width. The medallion is in brass and says: “Saarlouis 1936 (Graf Weder).” It has the crown of a Count (Graf) in Prussian nobility with the (“W”) for Werder in a wreath, and below this the Hakenkreuz (swastika). The ax head shows lots of plating corrosion, but this was natural in these thinly plated items after years of use; deterioration is expected. The ax is generally in good shape overall and is a rare Reich relic on its own. This is a true museum piece from a famed military community and tradition. PRICE: SOLD |
Book Deutsches Soldatentum (Item WEHR 32-11) |
DESCRIPTION: This is an extremely sought-after book and is not only rare but beautiful. It is the story of Germany’s famous soldiers from early heroes such as Prinz Eugen der Edle Ritter right up to the Führer; Hermann Göring and some of the winners of the Knights Cross in WW II. There are 204 pictures and 222 pages crammed full of the saga and exploits of this gallery of German heroes…von Richthoffen, Paul von Lettow Vorbeck, Admiral Hipper, Tirpitz, Mackensen, Ludendorf, Graf von Moltke, Clausewitz, Andreas Hofer, von Steuben, Frederick the Great, Hermann Göring, Ritter von Epp, Admiral Raeder and many, many more illustrious names that are in Germany’s glorious military annals. The book is in immaculate condition, but the dust cover is slightly tattered at the bottom edges. It was published in Berlin in 1940.
PRICE: $350.00 |
Set of Salad Pieces from a Mountain-Troop Kaserne (Item WEHR 32-12) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a really neat and unique set of fork and spoons from a German Gebirgsjäger Kaserne in Bavaria. They feature the edelweiss, the flower that only grows in the altitudes from 1,700 meters to 2,700 meters. The word in German means noble and white, thus signifying "noble whiteness.” It’s an almost sacred flower to the Teutonic people of southern Germany and Austria. There was a song sung by National Socialists called “Adolf Hitler’s Lieblingsblume (“A.H’s Beloved Flower”). If you would like to see a video featuring this song, click here!. This salad set was once in a Kaserne in the southern Tyrol and was evidently saved from the enemy looters by one of the mountain troopers, when the word came that these elite, proud soldiers had to abandon their post. The implements measure 8 ½ inches long and are silver plated. Quite handsome and very Germanic, they would look great in a Wehrmacht collection or, for that matter, a Hitler collection.
Wehrmacht Helper Armband (Item WEHR 32-13) |
DESCRIPTION: This is an all-cotton-type armband, yellow in color with the words “Deutsche Wehrmacht;” bevo-weaved in black thread and done in the gothic script. These armbands were issued to people who assisted the German armed forces. It’s in good condition, although it could stand washing.
PRICE: $65.00 |
Magnificent Oil Painting of Field Marshal Rommel (Item WEHR 32-14; ART MASTER 1-12; AFRICA 1-1a) |
DESCRIPTION: This is a magnificent rendering in oils of the famed Desert Fox, the most-admired German officer of the Second World War by his German people and even the enemy. Read the description of these art pieces that we offer at Art Executed by a German Master on our Third Reich site. This portrait in oil measures 17 x 21 inches with a frame.
One and three quarter inches wide at each juncture this portrait is so fine a likeness of the great soldier that he looks like he could breathe! Please note in our pictures the artistic excellence and depth. NO finer a portrait has ever been done of man who was probably the greatest warrior leader of all historic times. We offer it for a very fair price. Compare against inferior examples by so-called artists for three times the money.
PRICE: $995.00 |
Book Der Sieg im Osten (Victory in the East) (Item WEHR 32-15) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a 120-page softcover book that chronicles the struggle of the German arms in the eastern campaigns 1939-1940. Incredibly, in the back of the book is a pocket that contains another booklet that is titled “Our Victory in the East” that is printed in English in the first part, and in French in the second part. It comprises about 47 pages in this section and is incredible reading. This booklet is an account of the struggle of the German Army in Poland. We couldn’t begin to lay out for you the importance of the book and its attached booklet. The victors in WW II have disseminated much blatant disinformation. Those lies and distortions unfortunately, have been swallowed hook, line, and sinker by the public at large because of the completely false media coverage. We constantly hear ad nauseam the heartrending stories about poor, little Poland. On pages 54 and 55, you can see actual photos of the rows of murdered Germans slaughtered at Bromberg and other places by Polish army regulars and German-hating citizens before the German incursion. Over 5,000 of these innocent famers, tradesmen, and women and children were horribly murdered and mutilated. The book has pictures of the German soldiers, their equipment, airplanes, prisoners, crowds cheering the Wehrmacht as the sharp, disciplined troops march in. The pictures are truly astounding. This was truly the last attempt to preserve the civilized western world. It was the men that can be called in German, ‘Enormen,’ against the horrid Bolshevik menace. Because of the good-old left-leaning F. Roosevelt and drunken W. Churchill the Red menace won and the world still agonizes as a result. The book measures 8 ½ x 9 inches and is in good shape.
PRICE: $250.00 |
Grossdeutschland Cuff Title (Item WEHR 32-16) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a mint-condition cuff title from the elite Panzergrenadier Regiment Grossdeutschland . This is the early-pattern cuff title authorized 1939 for use on parade uniforms; however, this rare title was used throughout the war on combat tunics by members of this outfit. This cuff title was first issued in Bevo style executed in the silver thread on a darker green background in 1939, but in 1940, this one that we show was adopted; they were introduced for all ranks. As to the history of this elite division go to Google and write in “History of 1/kp Grossdeutschland” and there is a great chronology of this illustrious “Queen of Battles.” There are all the various hard-fought conflicts from the time of the French campaign to the Balkans and the Eastern Front. You will also see that the Butchers Bill was very high as these valiant soldiers fought against the dark evil forces of Bolshevism and for Führer, Volk und Vaterland. They laid down their young lives for the freedom and ideals of the West against the devil himself. The devil won! Look closely at the listings of the battles and the fallen. For instance,
19 Dec 1942 Oberfeldwebel Steinhart and his entire panzer crew fell with the exception of Gefreiter Lehmanm.
27 July 1943 Wachtmeister Caris 2nd squad armored recon. Batt. (G.D.) failed to return from a patrol in the forest near Karachev. His mutilated body and other soldiers murdered were found on a later patrol.
21 Aug 1943 Gefreiter Dresche 2nd Batt. Panzer Grenadier Regt. Grossdeutschland was stabbed to death while lying wounded in his foxhole.
These Spartan warriors gave as good as they got but mutilated no one!. Their performance in combat was exemplary and their names will live forever in the annals of courage. In 1945, they surrendered to U.S. units, but the American command felt they owed the Communists a favor being such ‘good comrades’ by proxy, so they turned these valiant soldiers over to the Red Army and these stalwart warriors were imprisoned for years in the Soviet gulags. Nothing was too good to do for Uncle Joe Stalin!
The cuff title is in Gothic lettering embroidered on a cotton strip with white letters and white edge striping.
It is full length (and never used) therefore in mint condition. It has been subjected to the black light test and passes, of course. Length is 16 inches and is 1 1/4 inches wide. We have shown images of the Wachregiment Berlin that in 1939 was redesignated the Infantry Regiment Grossdeutschland, a name that goes down in ‘real history’ in fame and glory.
Package Group of Four German Combat Booklets (Item WEHR 32-17) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a very good offering for the collectors of Wehrmacht (Das Heers) items. It consists, first of all, of the yearbooks of the Deutschen Frontsoldaten und Kriegsopfer (German Front-Line Soldiers and War Wounded Organization) for 1939 and 1940. They have about 190 pages each of text and great pictures from WWI and WWII, and are profusely illustrated with drawings and photos. Here are the stories of the Deutsches Soldat; the warrior unequaled as a combat soldier; the world’s best; but, were finally defeated by an enemy who did not even closely equal them (man for man). These valiant soldiers were defeated in the end by the allies’ superior and endless means of supply of oil and equipment. The third booklet Stützpunkt Z wird genommen (Kriegsbücherei der deutschen Jugend); war-library bulletin of the German youth. It contains 33 pages of tales of the Western Front with neat drawings of German soldiers in action in the French Campaign. The fourth book is the Adler-Jahrbuch 1942. It’s the yearbook of the German Luftwaffe for the third year of WWII. It consists of 92 pages of text and great photos and I mean ‘really great.’ The cover was tattered badly, but excellently repaired. Except for the first inside-cover picture page all the rest of the pages are fine. Der Adler was a monthly magazine for and about the Luftwaffe and this 6 x 9-inch issue was the best of the year’s articles all put together in this one volume. I love the section on animal mascots for the air corps. Aviation enthusiasts and WW II historians will love these great items. This will be a great addition to your archives and we offer all four historically important pieces of WWII literature for one bargain price.
PRICE: $150.00 |
Book Das Gesicht des Krieges The Face of War (Item WEHR 32-18) |
DESCRIPTION: Here in my estimation is one of the finest pictorial books ever received by us and out of the thousands of books on WW II we have turned over, this is without a doubt the best! Its subtitle is “Ausgabe des Deutschen Kamera-Almanachs (“Edition from the German Camera Almanac”). It was published in 1940 with 128 pictures and what pictures! Obviously, these images were taken by top professionals resulting in pristine clarity and sharpness of their work. The book comprises 203 pages; mostly pictorial. It measures 10 x 7 ½ inches and it is in wonderful shape throughout. There are photos of army movements, navy exercises, front-line action, French prisoners, soldiers among admiring children, Red Cross personnel, general officers, tanks, airplanes, the Führer with his Soldaten, artillery, U-boats, etc. It’s packed with the greatest of German WW II pictures unmatched in any other such book. This one is the best!
PRICE: $275.00; a bargain. You will never find better |
Book Der Sieg im Westen (Victory in the West) (Item WEHR 32-19) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a 312-page pictorial book published in 1943 that traces in some text and mostly images, the start of WWII picturing the battles of the German army in Holland, Belgium, and France. It comprises hundreds and hundreds of action-packed photos in magnificent bright and clear black-and-white photography of these important campaigns of the Wehrmacht in the early stages of the war—far too many important engagements for us to recount. We will try to give you at least a limited view with some pictures from the book. The volume is in quite good shape with slight tattering on the cover and there is a six-page joined section inside that has come loose from the binding, but is intact and could be carefully glued back. I could not begin to tell you how important this rare book truly is, but the pictures are extraordinary and the finest I have ever seen in the thousands of war books Germania has handled. The book measures 9 x 9 1/2 inches and is 3/4 inches thick. They don’t really come better than this one. The handling of Dunkirk is extraordinary!—never before published stuff. I can’t help but look at it without thinking what a tragedy that operation Sea Lion was not to be allowed to immediately progress at that point. This was, of course, the only thing that stood in the way of Germany’s complete victory in WWII (Lamentations).
PRICE: $250.00 |
German-Made Trench Periscope Used by the Argentine Army (Item WEHR 32-20) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a complete Zeiss periscope manufactured by the Carl Zeiss Firm in Jena, Germany. It’s crafted with lenses that are in 10 x 50 precision optics and complete with the carrying case, extra tools, and parts. A periscope is an instrument for observation from a concealed position. In its simplest form it consists of an outer case with mirrors at each end set parallel to each other at a 45-degree angle. This form of periscope with the addition of two simple lenses, served for observation purposes in WW I and used by all nations’ combatants. More complex periscopes, using prisms instead of mirrors and providing magnification were used in WW II. These were periscopes specifically manufactured with a different style and with far more refined technics and were used by artillery observers and officers; some of them also allowed estimating the distance to a target as they were designed with stereoscopic rangefinders. The Wehrmacht used them often because of the nature of their particular combat techniques, especially on the Eastern Front. The periscope we offer here was designed and manufactured in Germany either pre-WW I or after the war. We do not know for sure, but it was sold along with other precision equipment to the Argentine army. The Argentines loved everything German and even their army uniforms were dead ringers for the German issue. Even the armored tanks used by the Argentine army were assembled in Argentina, but every screw and mechanical part was installed under the supervision of technicians from Germany and all the parts were also from the Fatherland. This is a rare find as complete as it is. The tripod is marked “Ejército Argentino, Infanteria y Caballeria”. The condition is used but ‘excellent plus’! Besides being a rare collectible antique, it could also be used as a spotting scope for the professional shooter when shooting at longer ranges giving you a little frisson of the scope’s former life.
PRICE: $3,500.00 |
Veteran’s Medal from Langfuhr-Danzig Featuring (GERMANIA) (Item WEHR 32-21) |
DESCRIPTION: Danzig and Germania: two words that inspire feelings of patriotism on one hand in our souls and then hatred and revulsion on the other in many Germanic souls because of the horrible atrocities perpetrated by the Allies and Russians against this beautiful land and its people. This is a veteran’s medal in silver that is from Langfuhr, a suburb of old Danzig. This was a city founded by the Teutonic knights in 1345. We all know the situation in 1936, when Danzig wished to be returned to the Reich after it was unlawfully torn from Germany by the Versailles criminals (the Allies). After Adolf Hitler managed to accomplish this feat life was good in this eastern arm of the Third German Reich. The free city of Danzig even established a special SS unit known as the SS-Heimwehr Danzig before the Second World War. This elite unit fought alongside the German Army. When Germany could no longer abide with what the Poles were doing Poland was finally invaded. After this, it became part of the SS-Division Totenkopf.
After the war that was forced upon Germany, Danzig, was again torn asunder by the murderous regime of Communist Russia and the state and its people (Germans) were turned over unmercifully to Poland and the murders that took place against the Germans prior to 1939 resumed, but much more brutal and certainly more frequently and hideous. Hate and revulsion? Yes. I do experience this when my thoughts drift to this sacrilegious and horrific series of murders and expulsion of people who worked the land from the 14th century. Patriotism? Well, the fact that Germania, the very spirit of German patriotism, is shown on the medal’s obverse certainly gives our spirit uplift. Remember what the name of our site is. The medal on the four arms that surround beautiful Germania have one word in each and they spell out: Krieger Verein Germania Langfuhr 1922, while on the reverse side in the center circle is the state seal and arms of Danzig (The crown with two crosses surmounted with a crown and the four arms have the legend: “In Treue fest dem Vaterland” (“In Loyal Service to the Fatherland”). The ribbon is red with double white stripes on the right and left sides. The medal is in fine shape and is certainly rare.
PRICE: $280.00 |
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Please refer to item designator in parentheses in all correspondence.
Please E-mail for any additional information you may need.