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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich


Page 33


Fabulous Replica of SS-Totenkopf Death's Head Ring


























































































1936 Model Officer’s Dagger to a Well-Known Knight’s Cross Winner (Item SS 33-1)

DESCRIPTION: First of all, the dagger is probably the finest one we have ever featured of this type and it is a type I where the “DRGM” shows through the “Wotan Knot,” or cloverleaf snap clip hanging device. This type I chain assembly has the octagonal links that are die struck and this resulted in absolutely outstanding detail to the depictions of skulls and runics. It has nickel-plated steel links, of course. The very fine pebbling to the links is also very noticeable. The Kulturzeichen which is an SS proof stamp seen on the reverse of the upper runic link. This is deeply stamped on type ones! You can also notice the finely shaped very strong connector links used on type ones and unlike type two’s this one has perfectly straight edges that secure it to the cloverleaf assembly. The condition in general of this dagger is excellent-plus. Not even the smallest fault is evident. The end is in perfect shape and the wood fits perfectly to the metal; remarkably with no gap whatsoever. The metal matches from grip fittings to scabbard fittings. Anodized scabbard finish with minute almost microscopic scratches are at the back-bottom section (you would have to look very closely to see them). The blade is just about as perfect as they ever come with only the marks of going in and out of the scabbard. The “Meine Ehre heist Treue” is fine with all the original frosting intact. The top runic button on the grip is in the copper color as is often the case according to Thomas Wittman in his book Exploring the Dress Daggers and Swords of the German SS. He shows a type-II dagger on page 155 where both the runic button and the eagle are in the copper color and we have another dagger on our pages with both pieces in copper color. Also note on page 157 Wittman shows at the top of the page another with copper-color eagle and runic on the right of the picture, but he says under close inspection of the grip eagle there are indications of nickel plating in the recesses of the insignia; so it really comes down to preference in the end. NOW! Besides being the nearly perfect 1936 Mod dagger, HERE is the most important part of this offering. Under the cross guard of this dagger is an membership number 25884. This is the number for -Sturmbannführer (major) Arnold Jürgensen, who was enlisted in the elite Adolf Hitler Leibstandarte. A man who went up the ranks to being the commander of the first detachment of the 12th Panzer Regiment, 12 -Panzer Division “Hitlerjugend” of the First -Panzer Corps of the Army Group “B” on the Western front. He won the Iron Cross II in 1939, the I.C. I in 1940, the Deutsches Kreuz in 1943, and finally the coveted Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross in 1944. In December 1944, he fell for the Fatherland fighting the uninvited invaders in the Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge). He was a holder of the Honor Sword and the Ehrenring. He became a Sturmbannführer on 9/11/43. Amazingly we obtained an original binder of a lot of his personal papers (originals). It has two sheets in the front that are copies of his complete military history and the rest of the bound papers have to do with his training sessions at the Berlin Lichterfelde HQ of the Leibstandarte- Adolf Hitler. His insurance policy is made out to him as Obersturmführer in 1938. He was insured with the Deutsche Bermten Versicherung, the German officials’ insurance. All the policies show him as residing at the Berlin Lichterfelde barracks in Berlin. Even his automobile insurance policy is here along with a permit from the police. After this there are numerous bills for clothing and washing uniform accessories, and bills for books, hotel receipts, receipts for Christmas gifts such as a picture frame. He must have been an amateur radio buff because there are many receipts for radio parts and service. One of the more interesting receipts is one for a shirt and a polo sweater from a firm in Berchtesgaden and it is made out to him and gives his address as “Obersalzberg.” To me this means that he was stationed in July 1937 at the compound that housed the personal guards for the Führer Adolf Hitler. The folder is a Leitz 2 ring binder with the imprint Leibstandarte- Adolf Hitler on its spine. This is a great personal item with great original documents and papers. The people that we bought it from kept only the originals of the man’s history, but true copies are with it. The binder measures 11 1/2 x 13 inches and is 2 1/2 inches thick. NEXT, after buying the dagger and binder we then had Jürgensen completely researched by a leading researcher who went to U.S. archives and came up with one of the largest files we have yet seen concerning the career of this brave officer. Besides gaining actual pictures of the Sturmbannführer (one with his Knight’s Cross) we picked up literally a great pile of documents. Included is the Dienstalterliste where officers who made Sturmbannführer and even Hauptsturmführer or other higher grades were listed. This shows the man’s name, date of birth, service, NS Party number, his membership number, his rank at the time, and when promoted to this rank. Arnold Jürgensen was born 17.5.1910. His party no. was 585 285. Note low number, early joiner. His number was 25884—the number stamped under the cross guard on the dagger. The papers go on and on with enrollment papers, service records, various stationing, rank promotions, where born (Pahlen), character, analysis, proof of Nordic race, the fact that he was an Alte Kampfer (early party member). A copy of an assessment of sterling character signed by Sepp Dietrich, -Obergruppenführer and Kommandeur der L. SS A.H. Page after page praising the loyalty and discipline of this noble officer. He is a graduate of the -Junkerschule. His served in the western campaign, the march into Austria, Böhmen-Mahren, and the field campaign in Poland, the Balkans, Russia. He won along with his other medals the King of Bulgaria’s Order Fourth Class, the German Eastern Front Medal, and the Infantry Assault Badge. There are questionnaires that ask many personal questions. He filled them out in 1937. A recommendation for him to receive the German Cross in gold and of course he did receive it. The same for the Ritterkreuz (Knight’s Cross) and he won that as well. The recommendations give all the details of how he earned it. There is a sad note referring to his death from the office of the Reichsführer- Himmler dated 27 Jan 1945, and several other references to this tragic event. Further papers in the group have to do with why he was chosen as the commander of the 12th Panzer Division “Hitlerjugend.” There are quite a few references and full documentation as to this command and just reams of documents more all pointing to a brave soldier of the Reich and a natural leader of men; a Teutonic warrior chief who was a favorite of “Unser Sepp” himself. There are documents from the Race and Settlement file concerning the pure Aryan lineage and a very good explanation of the intensive investigations by this office whose responsibilities included safeguarding the racial purity of the . Jürgensen had to go through this like every other officer candidate and of course he passed with “flying colors.” Another thing that is there is his NSDAP registration card (copy) number 585285. There are about 7 pictures of him in the files plus a picture of his then fiancé whose name is Lieselotte Freiberg. This was submitted to the Race and Settlement Office for the marriage permission. Throughout the research collection are various charts and explanations of ranks, organizations such as the RUSA, etc, and an explanation of the records in the national archives. This accumulation referring to this war hero is nearly 2 inches thick and it is a masterful job of research. Now we have one of the finest 1936 model officer’s dagger probably ever found and a group of original documents in an original binder from the LS SS AH and a group of intensive research to boot. Show us a better one than this. Here is a dagger for the genuine historian; the collector who looks beyond what would be just a dagger. Well! It happens to be a super dagger, but even more importantly it is one dagger that managed to talk! We often say if only that piece could talk! Well, here is one that does! This is it (the ultimate NS-SS dagger.) Are you ready for it?









SS Trumpet Banner from the 60th SS Standarte at Bernau(Item SS 33-2)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a great looking banner hand sewn from the District  of Brenau this city is in the district of the German capital city of Berlin. The city was mentioned first in 1232 but archaeological excavations  prove the fact that the area had been inhabited since 800BC. In the 1930’s Bernau was a hubbub of NS activity. The Führer Corps of the Reich Arbsitsdienst  was located there. There was a major Reichs Führer Schule in Bernau, also a SD Regional School, so it only follows that there would be SS Standartes and SA Standartes here also. This banner is for the 60th SS Standarte which was a Fuss-Standarte (Foot Regiment). As near as we can figure this group had been No. 60 while they were assigned as Allgemeine SS and later Waffen SS. The banner has the Edelweiss Mountain Flower meaning the 60th was a mountain unit. On it’s other side you will see that it has two runes (SS) that are separately affixed (sewn) to the black surface. The runes are in fine silk on the colored background. This banner has fine fringe all around the edges, and 3 tie strings at the top to secure it to the bugle. The banner is in extra fine condition and is 100% original (black light checked). The measurement is about 21 inches wide and about 21 inches high. It is a really rare item and will not last long on our pages.






From the book on SS





SS Armband (RZM Cloth Tag)(Item SS 33-3)

DESCRIPTION: Here is an authentic Allgemeine SS Armband of the classic style; in 4 piece construction. Typical cotton band with the round white field that has the Swastika which could be actually considered 6 more pieces because  the arms are separate joined pieces. It measures while folded together  8 ½ inches long by 4 inches wide. If it were not folded and fastened by sewing it would be 17 inches long. This is the finest type with the black edges (for the SS only). It has the cloth (RZM) Tag sewn within and this is  the tag that says  “Vom Reichsführer SS Befohlene Ausfuhrung” wording with the circles that contain SS and RZM. Starting in late 1934 items manufactured for the SS came under the quality control of the RZM Reichszeugmeisterei (National-materiel-control-office) and the armbands were always tagged  with SS and RZM combined tags. The tags were somewhat altered in 1935. This is the early type offered here and considered quite rare. Remember when you see the price that an armband such as this one will bringit is because it  is just as scarce and as important to the mythos of the SS as a chained model officer’s dagger would be. The genuine article like this one is  will always be “Ultra desirable” and practically unobtainable.





Oberfűhrer Scherner



Lebens Rune


Hagel Rune


Ty Rune


Victory Rune


Odel Rune


Oak Leaf Motif



The inscripation




Review of LAH By Scherner


Sherner at Left


KZ Guards








Tower Guards


Prisoner Roll Call



"There is a way to freedom"


Leaving this Camp





Guest Greeting

A Wooden Bread Plate Presented at Dachau to Oberfuhrer Scherner (Item SS 33-4; CAMPS 1-11; BRE 1-2)

DESCRIPTION: Julian Scherner born September 23, 1895 – died April 28, 1945. His fame was as S.S. Oberführer. This was an early paramilitary rank of the S.S. dating back to 1921. Julian Scherner served the Reich from early Kampfzeit times. He became a S.S. Untersturmführer in 1933 and worked up through the years to S.S. Oberführer in 1937. He was a holder of the Iron Cross 2nd Class, the Honor Ring of the S.S., the War Merit Cross 2nd class with swords, the Deutsches Kreuz, the Wound Badge, the Honor sword of the S.S, the Coburg Badge, and last but most important the Blood Order. He was the commander of the S.S. Standarte Julius Schreck in 1934-1935. Then commander of S.S. Abschnitt XIV in 1937. In1939 he was in charge as commander of the Mountain Troop Regiment II (Reinhard Heydrich). Then January 1940 until January 1941 he was the commander of the S.S. Totenkopf Standarte 8. From January 1941 to August 1941 he was commander of the S.S. Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen. His final command was as S.S. and Police Leader of Krakow, Poland from August 1941 to March 1944. In this role he was responsible for overseeing of all evacuations that took place during his time there. Scherner became immortalized in the film “Schindler’s List” a dubious work of fiction. He is portrayed as the cold and calculating S.S. Commander of the region. Remember the victors write their history and fictions and they also excel in telling the history of the vanquished as well and does it really surprise us if the latter’s history might be a bit biased? We might also see some fiction mixed with fact thrown in to
Embellish! (Gild the Lily so to speak!).

The wooden bread plate is probably the finest ever offered on any site or military show in the present or past. The carving is exquisite! With the Sonnenrad
 Hakenkreuz in the center. All around are beautiful oak leaves and acorns, and interspersed between them are runic symbols similar to those seen on the “Honor Ring of the S.S.” Like the Honor Ring, the symbols had deep meaning to the N.S. and S.S. mythos. They honored the Aryan/Norse Heritage going back to pre-Christian Europe. There was intense racial significance. If we look to the symbol at 12:00 o’clock we see a figure of a rod with two extensions like arms at right and left angles. This is the “Life” rune. The symbol for eternal life for man and the race and nation. In German newspapers you will see this symbol when a birth is announced and it is used inverted in an obituary (death). I find it also quite interesting that the “Hippy Movement” used it for a sign of Peace (imagine using the symbol of death as a logo for peace!) Was there a message there? The S.S. used this symbol in their Lebensborn Program, a project to encourage motherhood (in other words Birth and Life!) Going clockwise the next symbol is an asterisk looking rune. It is the Hagel Rune. This was to the S.S. the expression of inner strength overcoming adversity. The interpretation of the Hagel Rune was the development of the inner man in order for him to conquer the universe. At 5:00 we encounter the Tyr Rune (Tyre the God of war). The interpretation of this symbol was an exhortation to be fearless, true, and brave and that “Death Cannot Kill”. At 7:00 we see the rune that is most familiar, the “Sieg Rune”, the sign of victory used from ancient Germanic times as an exhortation and greeting. This is the origin of the “Sieg Heil” Hail Victory Salute. It was used by the and the Hitler Youth (Jungvolk).

Finally we come to the “Odal Rune” at 10:00. This symbol symbolized kinship and family and bringing together of people of similar blood or race. It was adopted by the S.S. race and resettlement office (R.U.S.A.) and was used by the S.S. Freiwilligen Gebirgs (mountain) Division “Prinz Eugene”. The center design of course is the “Sonnenrad” or sunwheel swastika and was an ancient Norse representation of the life giving sun. This symbol was adopted by the 5th S.S. Panzer Division “Wiking”.

Now back to the bread plate. It was customary among N.S. inspired patriots to present something deeply symbolic to a person the giver wished to honor. This usually came down to a sword, a dagger, a book, or a ring. But the most revered item given out especially among the S.S. was always the” bread plate”. Bread had special significance among the faithful because it was the staff of life. It was mentioned in N.S. sayings such as “brot und arbeit” (bread and work). “Hitler gibt arbeit und brot” (Hitler gave us work and bread). Bread was (sacrosanct) and it only follows that bread plates were the choice for presentation to those who would be specially honored. This plate was presented by the S.S. Wachtmannshaft or Guard Staff to Oberführer SS> Julian Scherner when he paid a visit to (KL) concentration camp Auschwitz in 1942. Carved into the back of the plate are the words “SS Oberführer Scherner Zur Erinnerung an den Besuch im K.L. Auschwitz im Januar 1942” Translated this means – To: Oberführer Scherner in memory of his visit to concentration camp Auschwitz in January 1942. A crack can be seen across the bottom half of the plate but it must have been expertly repaired at one time. It cannot even be seen from the front. A hanging wire has been added to the back. This is without a single doubt one of the most important historical items we have ever offered and the beauty of it is obvious. A masterpiece of wood carving with practically no rival that we have ever seen, and of course its historical importance is eminently presented.

PRICE:  $4,300.00*






Sun Wheel Swastika


No. 7 on the side




























The Gold Ring of Jurgen Stroop
The Man Who Wiped Out the Warsaw Ghetto (Item WAF 10-2; SS 33-6)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the most incredible rings that we have ever offered our customership, if it could be said, that. Germania Intl. had a particular favorite offering among the thousands of listed items then it would most defiantly be the finger rings of the Third Reich.  Nothing fascinates us more.  We have told our customership all about the famed and fortunate adventure in Stuttgart, Germany a few years back where we bought all the remaining silver rings and insignia made by Herr Franz Schnell, Germany’s Master Silversmith.  (Look at the home page). Since making that wonderful purchase we have been extremely interested in the finger rings of the German Third Reich.  We have sought out rings in several countries to include of course, Germany.  And, we have found a few vastly important pieces.  One of the greatest of these finds was purchased from Herr Helmut Weitze of Hamburg, a prestigious German dealer with great knowledge and sterling reputation.  That was in December of 2008 at the show in Kassel.  At that time, Helmut showed me a magnificent gold ring that was not only obviously unique, but also strikingly beautiful in its special design.  This was the incredible ring of none other than the famed SS Brigadier-General (SS BrigadeFuhrer) Jurgen Stroop.  This officer was the assigned leader who led the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942-43. Jurgen was born in the shadow of the great statue of Hermann the Liberator in Detmold in 1895 (“Teutobergerwald”).  He was the son of a Police officer and like Hermann (Arminius) he was a German with a deep patriotic outlook all his life.  He volunteered in the army in WWI.  Stroop joined the SS and NSDAP in 1932.   His career took off in the election campaign of the same year.  He was appointed leader of the State Auxiliary Police.  He was promoted to Hauptsturmfuhrer.  Subsequently, he worked for the SS administration in Munster and Hamburg.  In autumn 1938, he was promoted again.  This time to the rank of SS Standartenfuhrer (Colonel).  After the invasion of Poland, he served as commander of the SS section in the Grezno Polish district on orders of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler.  Jurgen Stroop took over from F.Von Sammean following Sammean’s unsuccessful Ghetto offensive at the outset of the Ghetto uprising at that time.  A veteran of WWI, Stroop had more recently been involved in operations against Soviet partisans in the Ukraine and was familiar with the latest techniques in counter insurgency warfare.  One of Stroop’s most historically prominent roles was the total suppression of the “Warsaw Ghetto” and the destruction and razing of the entire district.  Afterwards, in an elaborately prepared report to the Reichsfuhrer now referred to as “the Stroop Report” he stated that “the Warsaw Ghetto is no more!” In the report, Stroop recalled: - - “What a wonderful sight! I called out ‘Heil Hitler’ and pressed the button.   The colors were unbelievable. An unforgettable allegory of the triumph over Jewry.”  He was subsequently named the SS and Police Leader in Greece from September until November 1943.  Then he was appointed SS and police leader in the Rhine area until the end of the war.  The rest is well known.  He was (tried) and sentenced to death by the Americans but this sentence was not carried out, instead he was extradited to Poland where the Polish Communists tried him and gleefully executed him as was their wontthis was on  Sept 8 1951 (6 years after the war).
  What did he suffer in those 6 years?  We will not discuss the other side of the issue here but remember there unusually is “another side”.  For every action there is re-action and the victors write their own often dubious history and the history of the vanquished as well.  I suppose we can intellectually forgive them if they neglect to include a few details right?
  As to the ring, it is a magnificent relic with superlative designing.  It is unique with no other one even vaguely like it; surely it was made for General Stroop on special order.  The intricate design includes the letters J.S. but what is most incredible of all is how the letters are formed. The (J) is done in typical German “Frator style” but where the curve of the upsweep tail of the (J) is, it ends in a rune or character from the ancient Germanic language of the runes.  This rune is the “Laguz” or symbol of water.  The (S) is also in fractor but where it loops back at the bottom most portion it takes the form of a victory rune or the same symbol as in the runic S in (SS).  These letters are laid in precise form beautifully executed in gold upon a slab of jet black onyx surrounded by a chain looking bezel.  The sides of the ring also show jeweler excellence with the traditional Germanic oak leaves and acorns, with a numeral 7 on one side rising above the leaves and on the other side the leaves clutch a “Sonnenrad” or sun wheel swastika. back to the numeral 7 this number in ancient Germanic myth is the perfect or complete number. This is why there are 7 wonders of the ancient world.  Seven has the primary numerological meaning of awareness and diversity.  The number seven is the seventh sephira, the “brilliant ones” (Aliester Crowley).  As to the “Sonnenrad”, it is believed this was the original swastika that Adolf Hitler took to be the symbol of his movement.  It decorated the war shields of the ancient Teutonic warriors, of Hermann in the“Schlaht in Teutobergerwald.  The size of the ring is about an 8 or 8 ½. It is without doubt the most beautiful and historically meaningful ring we have ever offered.  A true museum piece!  Its beauty and importance cannot be exaggerated in any way.  It will be a main featured item in a long awaited book on German rings being written by one of our historical advisors. The ring was purchased by Mr. Helmut Weitze directly from the Stroop family in summer 2008 and a letter of authenticity from him will be provided.  Here is a chance to acquire one of the most important rings in the world. We do not exaggerate! Along with this ring we will include an official copy of the Stroop indictment from the Tribunal (Star Chamber) court proceeding; this is also quite rare.  It is the official book given to the German Defense team that was really only part of a pre-determined pantomime played out to mimic an actual defense.  A defense that was all dressed up “with nowhere to go”!  The book purports to chronicle the crimes of the defendant with statements, pictures, etc.  In it is Stroops report on the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto.  It gives the names of the SS men killed and wounded in the conflict as well as descriptions of the battle and enemy losses.  It is as we have stated a rare entity on its own, and with the fabulous ring it makes for a truly ultra important historical package.  There will never be another ring like this-Don’t miss it.

















SS Gemanisch Leithefte (Item SS 33-7; WAF 10-3)

DESCRIPTION:   Here is a copy of the SS magazine comprised of cultural  themes.  This one was for the Duch SS. Published in the Haag in 1942.  It is a particular fine issue visiting racial issues and heroic themes.  There is a section that shows the ObersturmbahnFuhrer SS Christian V. Schalburg the leader of the Freikorps Danmark and Wiking Div.He is pictured with his handsome little Aryan son as they stand there hand in hand.
Various strong, Nordic peasant farmers are shown and (“others”.)  The Supreme beauty of the Aryan Volk in its women and men- folk beams from the pages. 
  There are a couple of pages headed by a depiction of the Irmunsul (Ahnenerbe?).  The book measures 6 ½ x 9 and is in great shape throughout.  65 pages.














SS  Leitheft 10 Jahrgang Heft 8 1944 (Item SS 33-8)

DESCRIPTION:    Here is the cultural magazine of the SS produced under the auspices of the Reichsfuhrer SS.  It was of the most important publications of the SS and NSDAP.  This particular issue covers Geman 3rd Reich Art, nature themes, plus a section showing the Waffen SS at war in the fateful year of 1944. There is also a picture of the ancient fortress at Narva where the Party intended to have an Ordensburg.  The issue is in fine condition.  It measures 6 ½ x 9 and has 48 pages.

PRICE: $125.00









SS Leitheft magazine 15-3-1940 (Item SS 33-10)

DESCRIPTION: This is a copy of the fame SS Leitheft (war issue). It does not have much in the way of pictures (only 2). But for the person reading German. It is filled with beautiful, meaningful text that carries poignant messages understood only by Germanophiles such as we! 16 pages and cover illustration and an inspiring quote from a speech by Adolf Hitler is on the first page. An important archival item from the viewpoint of real  history.




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Fabulous Replica of SS-Totenkopf Death's Head Ring


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or call at 706.782.1668.

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