DESCRIPTION: This is possibly one of the most important items of cultural interest that we have ever acquired. As is well known Germania International, LLC has always worked diligently to acquire and offer the most salient, preeminent items of vast historical importance to the collectors that number themselves as enthusiastic “Germanophiles.” We are just not enthused about offering army field packs, hobnailed boots, or buttons from uniforms. We love the art, the important documentation, the classic sword or dagger, and the personality items. Articles with deep social meaning also, are our forte. In this particular piece just about all our predilection for meaningful and succinct acquisition comes fully to the forefront. This is a completely unique item of artistic excellence, but also indubitably of vast meaningful substance. The essence of Nationalist Socialist ideology was the purity of race and the promotion of healthy Aryan survival and eugenics. With this in mind first and foremost the party and especially the SS moved to establish an organization within the government dedicated to these principal ideals. More than any other social ideal this stood paramount and vital to the German Reich. Thus in 1931, 2 years before Hitler came to power an organization known as Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt (RuSHA) was established. This stood for Race and Resettlement. It was designated as an SS main office in 1935. Its tasks included doing research and providing instruction on race issues, including special training courses for elite Nazi groups; making sure that SS men and their wives were racially pure; carrying out the resettlement of SS men in NS-occupied countries as part of the global NS plan for expanding the German Reich throughout Europe; and encouraging them to settle on farmlands near cities. RuSHA’s staff included many determined and industrious young men who either had medical or some other professional eligibility. Some were later promoted to senior SS positions. The RuSHA began evicting certain landowners from their home in eastern territories and settle Germans in their place in mid 1939. RuSHA offices established in the parts of Poland annexed to the Reich were in charge of confiscated Jewish- and Polish-owned land. In 1940 RuSHA came up with the plan to “Germanize” Poles who had the appropriate racial qualities. Possible candidates were screened and interviewed by “race experts and qualifications examiners.” These experts also checked out the racial authenticity of Poles who registered themselves as “ethnic Germans” (Volksdeutsche). In addition, RuSHA made plans to “Germanize” the Ukrainian people who were for the most part good Aryan stock. Walter Darré at one point was the director of RuSHA while being Reich’s peasant leader. He developed a plan for Rasse und Raum, which provided the ideological background for the NS expansive policy on behalf of the Drang nach Osten drive to the east and of the Lebensraum (surviving space theory) written of in Mein Kampf by the Führer Adolf Hitler. It was this organization more than any other NS group that was responsible for the attempt to racially purify the Germanic people and to establish a Nordic empire in the west and the east, but “Darkness has come when the light is extinguished;” make what you will of that! The bust is of a very typical German man in the “springtime of youth.” He has all the features of Aryandom. He is a fine specimen of the Nordic race. He could be an SS man, an elite German Landser (soldier), a youth leader, or rocket scientist. He is the personification of the “Master Race,” the builders of western civilization, the exponents of true virtuous art , and the marchers of inherent destiny, and Kulturtrager of the ages. The bust stands about 15 inches high. The base of wood measures 6 x6 inches and is 3 1/2 inches deep. The base, when the bronze was found, was in rather abused condition so we had it professionally repainted and it now looks great. The plaque is in genuine silver and it had turned completely black with tarnish over 60-some-odd years. We cleaned it up and it now looks great! The plaque is in scroll form and says: “Der Sieg des Ariers ist der Sieg der Menschheit.” This means: “The victory of the Aryans will be the victory of mankind.” Under this it says: “Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt Berlin 1940.” On the left of this statement are the SS runics in a circle, and on the right a swastika. The piece could not be more meaningful. It is signed by an artist whose name is engraved on the back of the neck “H. Aichele. GMÜND and SCW”? Gmünd by Tegernsee is where Heinrich Himmler had his summer residence. We believe this could be significant and it could be that the Reichsführer- himself might have commissioned a local artist in this community of Gmünd to do the honors for the
RuSHA. One of the greatest artists of the Reich, Prof. Karl Diebitsch, also lived close by in that area. He was the originator of the Allach Porcelain firm. So here we have a historical treasure of the NS mythos; a tremendously important relic of the Germanic recent past; more important than any other bust offered. This unidentified youth is not more important than Hitler or the NS leaders, but he does personify the whole philosophy of Das Drittenreich and he is certainly unique.