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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

I bet you think you know all about Adolf Hitler! Think again!
Here is a great book crammed full of rarely revealed facts now divulged in a comprehensive and immensely compelling revisionist narrative.
Please go here to read a review of
Gun of Destiny: Adolf Hitler's Smith & Wesson Revolver
by Robert A. Johnston.

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Page 29

Der Fuhrer




An original corner building sign

An original Adolf Hitler Platz sign

Another original flat one, but with “Strasse spelled out

One of the original enameled style signs with the embowed or vaulted curvature

Adolf Hitler Street Sign (Item AH 29-4)

DESCRIPTION: During the Third Reich period every big city and even the smallest hamlet and village (Dorf) had an “Adolf Hitler Strasse” (street). The larger-populated cities like Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich had beautiful enameled “Hitler” signs, while the little villages and townships usually had tin signs like the one we offer here. Actually, this type was much rarer than the blue, enamel type. The latter is certainly more beautiful, but more of them were looted by GIs than the tin types. The one we have shows a lot of use and the way the looter pulled it down, didn’t do it any good either as for the holes that the screws went in. It has some color damage, too, but overall, considering what it probably went through, it’s in pretty good shape and very rare and genuine. We have never had another one of these in fifty-five years although in that time we have owned five of the big city ones. Anyway, not every city in the U.S. has an “Eisenhower Street” right?

PRICE: $1,550.00; a bargain at this price



Street Sign

Street Sign

Street Sign

Street Sign

Street Sign

Street Sign
Adolph Hitler-Strasse with house-marking numerals

Street Sign
A German street appropriately renamed during the Third Reich

Street Sign
Platz goes up.

Street Sign

Street Sign>

Street Sign

Big, Blue Version of the Adolf Hitler Street Sign (Item AH 29-4a)

DESCRIPTION: Here is the later version of the Adolf Hitler street signs seen throughout the time of the Third Reich. Reproductions have been made of this type sign, but easy to tell because they are flat instead of vaulted. This one that we offer is 100 percent genuine and in unusually fine condition. Most of these found have lots of chipped and bashed enamel as the GIs that brought them back were not too gentle with them. Today they are very rare especially in the condition of this one. Hitler street signs were 90 percent of this style, but you do sometimes come across a Hitler Platz sign. These would have been for center section and neighborhood identifications. Sometimes you would even find a sign that incorporated Adolf Hitler Strasse with the number of a house that it was attached to. This sign is of the large type used in major cities throughout the Reich. The size is 33 x 6 inches. I refer you once more to the condition of this piece. In many years I have not seen one as good or better. Ninety percent of the ones that we see offered at military shows are replicas made in England. This one that we offer passes every inspection and in a word it is just GREAT!









Iron Plaque with Three National Socialist Leaders (Item AH 29-5; PERS 5-26; GOR 11-11; GOEBBELS 4-4)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a plaque crafted in iron rather than the usual bronze. Why? Because it fits the mythos of the “Iron Time.” This can be said to be an important signature of this cultural group that represented the last attempt to revisit the “Imperium” of the West—the greatness of Imperial Rome and the civilized concepts of ancient Greece. Here now was the Aryan revitalization of the Old World brought forward with the “Neuen Reich” for European civilization that probably was the “Widerstand” against the Bolshevik plague whose tentacles now unfortunately embrace our world of political correctness. Here we see the profiles of three men who were instrumental in working toward that goal; three men that history in a future state most likely be highly respected. There, I said it and I stand for it!!! The iron plaque measures 6 x 3 ½ inches. The figures are in a relief-motif depiction (standing right out there as did those three men Hitler, Göring, Goebbels, and the saying under their likenesses is “Leben Heisst Kaempfen.” This can be translated as “Life is a struggle” or “Life is a fight.” Either way, it is a true saying that is befitting of each of these men who working so desperately and diligently for their German nation and for the west only to be betrayed; smashed down by those that should have been their allies. This is not only a rare plaque, but the words are not lost and certainly rather prophetic for our future. I believe Donald Trump has said as Hitler proclaimed that he wants to make his country great again! Let’s hope there will be one more chance! Have I strayed too far from political correctness with my observations? Well, Winston Churchill said, "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” The plaque is in fine condition except for the fact that the hanging devise on the back is missing. It has the initials “W.F.” by Goebbel’s shoulder. These are the initials of the artist. This is a great portrayal of past greatness and heroism.

PRICE: $650.00


Commemorative Medallion

Commemorative Medallion

Commemorative Medallion

Commemorative Medallion

Commemorative Medallion to Celebrate the Austrian Anschluss (Item AH 29-6)

DESCRIPTION: This is a very handsome medallion struck to commemorate the annexation of “Ostmark” (Austria) with the greater German Reich. On March 12, 1938, Hitler announced the Anschluss of his Austrian homeland with Germany. Church bells rang throughout both Germanic nations and the people were overjoyed at the prospect of this rightful and honorable union. The watchword of this wonderful historic occasion was coined in the phrase “. . . die Heimkehr ins Reich”(“Homecoming to the Reich”) and that was exactly what it was. Ever since the days of the Holy Roman Empire, Germany and Austria were a holy alliance of brothers. They are basically the same people that speak a common language and their goals have always been the same: “Ein Volk’ and now they were to be “Ein Reich” under “Ein Führer.” German they were, and German they would stand.

The Medallion

The piece measures two inches in diameter and its obverse has a great depiction of the bust portrait of Adolf Hitler and has his name along the edge. On the reverse is deeply stamped “Zur Erinnerung an die Heimkehr ins Reich,” “In memory of the return to the empire [Reich].” The medallion is cased. The medal in in 100-percent excellent condition, but the case shows the scuffing of age (78 years). This is a truly nice memorial piece of a grand time in world history.




Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler
The artist’s signature

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler
U.S. silver dollar placed for size perspective
(for clarity, this coin is 26.5 mm (1.043 inches) in diameter)

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler
Karlsruhe stamping

Plaque of Hitler
Another image of the Karlsruhe majolica logo

Plaque of Hitler
Richard Scheibe

Plaque of Hitler
Artist’s sculpture of himself

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Majolica Art Plaque depicting Adolf Hitler by Richard Scheibe (Item AH 29-8)

DESCRIPTION: Here is an utterly magnificent plaque that depicts a side profile of the German Führer. This is a large art piece measuring 12 inches wide x 16 inches high and 3 inches deep. The piece is heavy, weighing in at 8.6 pounds. The likeness is spectacular and it was sculpted by famed artist Richard Scheibe in the art form known as majolica. Scheibe was a specialist in sculpture of the human form. Practically every Scheibe piece is signed with his initialed “Sch.” He was born in Chemnitz in 1879, and died in Berlin in 1964. Between 1925 and 1943, he taught at the Städelsches Kunstinstitut in Frankfurt am Main. Later, in 1934, he was recognized by his placement on the Gottbegnadeten list and he received much recognition during the Third Reich, including receiving the Goethe-Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft (Goethe Medal for Art and Science). Today, he is recognized as one of the foremost sculptors of Germany. His artistic genius was featured in the Haus der Deutschen Kunst (House of German Art), but unfortunately after the war, Scheibe was thoroughly denazified and he even sculpted a memorial statue to honor the traitors of July 20, 1944. Actually, the only statue that should have been sculpted would better have been to Major Otto Ernst Remer, who stood up for his country, his leaders, and against those that allied themselves with Germany’s enemies. So, we will honor Herr Scheibe’s art all the same, but his later contribution brings a bit of shame to his memory. Nonetheless, his majolica likeness of the Führer is a masterpiece of this particular porcelain art form. The logo of the firm that produced it for Herr Scheibe appears on the back of the plaque. This was the Karlsruhe Majolica manufacturing studio that was founded in 1901. Since then, this manufacturing plant has responded to all trends and events in cultural art and history. The items have reflected the artistic and historical change of the last century. During the era of the Third Reich, modern artistic motifs were replaced by traditional ones and the manufactory produced very special and limited busts and plaques of Hitler, the glorious eagle of the Reich, and the swastika in several motifs and as a result of this, the company experienced a great economic growth during the time of the workers’ Reich. We have never before seen such a great Hitler plaque and knowing that it is by a major Third Reich period artist and by a company that is so highly respected it is practically priceless, but will probably eventually have a price. So, therefore it is not for sale at present because we are still doing research on it, but we thought collectors of Hitler plaques might enjoy seeing it. We would have to say that it is certainly one of the top 25 Third Reich art treasures that Germania has ever uncovered and presented.

PRICE: $4,000.00


Plaque of Hitler
Poor lighting. Plaques are actually white as snow.

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Plaque of Hitler

Hitler & Hindenburg in the Form of Two Rosenthal Plaques (Item AH 29-9; PERS 5-29)

DESCRIPTION: Here are two magnificent plaques by the famed porcelain firm of Rosenthal, one of the greatest of the German firms specializing in the very finest of dinnerware, but also it excelled in the manufacture of figural pieces—man and beast. Philip Rosenthal began business in 1884 and initially he purchased white porcelain ware from the company Hutschenreuther during the latter part of 1934. The Rosenthal family came under significant pressure from the growth of German Nationalism (the NSDAP), which ultimately led to the family Rosenthal's having no participation in the management of the company and it was for all practical purposes taken over by the N.S. Party which also controlled the Allach porcelain firm through the SS. After the war, Philip Jr. returned to Germany in an attempt to reclaim family assets and control of the company. Philip Sr. had died in 1937, and at that time, the family emigrated abroad. A settlement with Phillip Jr. was achieved in September of 1950. At no point in their history did the Rosenthal products ever lose their perfection and elegance. Even today Rosenthal products are considered the absolute finest in the field—beauty and perfection of the very best! The Rosenthal mark always signified experience of over 132 years of company history. During the time of the Third Reich, the Rosenthal’s outdid themselves by artistically producing items depicting historical figures such as Marshal and Reich President von Hindenburg and Chancellor Adolf Hitler. You can see another fine Hitler plaque by Rosenthal on this page at item number 21. The two plaques we now offer are small, but fantastic. They both measure 4 ¾ x 3 inches and they are just slightly under a quarter-inch thick. One is a depiction of Paul von Hindenburg, Germany’s heroic marshal in WWI. It’s a magnificent portrayal and reflects the man’s inner strength and his determination to serve his beloved nation. His title—“Reichspräsident von Hindenburg”—and a simple acorn are shown under the bust portrait. On the back can be seen the Rosenthal full logo and shows this was produced at its offices in the city of Selb. The other portrait plaque is of Adolf Hitler, Führer of National Socialist Germany. The perfect likeness is nothing short of astounding and like the Hindenburg portrait, it stands out from the background in beautiful relief. Under the bust figure of Hitler are the words „Die Voraussetzung zur Tat ist der Wille und der Mut zur Wahrhattigkeit.“ Roughly translated this means: “The prerequisite to act is the will and the courage to speak the truth.” If only a few of our politicians of today would act in that way (wishful thinking!). Under these words is a small swastika. The plaques are prodigiously important historically and even more desirable because they are from the world-famous Rosenthal porcelain works in Selb, in the district of Wunsiedel, in Upper Franconia. Most of the N.S.-related porcelain objects were produced there and the town itself was one of the districts fiercely loyal to the N.S. Party concepts. In the town of Wunsiedel was the cemetery where Rudolph Hess was buried and in recent years the beautiful tombstone was removed at the order of the leftist mayor of the town and then later the same ignoramus had the body exhumed, cremated, and the ashes scattered at sea. The hate generated by these Neo-Bolshevik freaks knows no bounds. *Author’s opinion.

PRICE: $950.00; the set of two wonderful pieces


Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze
Hitler during the Kampfzeit era

Bronze Statue of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 29-10; BRONZEMET 4-4)

DESCRIPTION: Here is an interesting bronze likeness of the Führer Adolf Hitler depicted in the way he looked and dressed in the period during the 1920s to 1933 known as the “Kampfzeit.” After his becoming the German Chancellor, he wore a far different uniform. The detail of this bronze is quite good depicting him in the brown shirt with swastika armband while sporting his leather cross strap, and his riding trousers and boots. He stands with his traditional pose with hands folded at the belt-buckle positon. You can even just about see the tiny Nazi eagle pin on his necktie. With the bronze base, he stands about 11 inches high. The base is about an inch high. This piece is in true bronze. We cannot guarantee its authenticity as to period as we have no information about its origin. We bought it at a militaria show and the man we bought it from had no information about it, but the detail was so good looking we decided to purchase it. In any case, it is well done, maybe in the 1930s? But, if more recent, it would still be a welcome addition to a Third Reich collection.



Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze
Pagels' bust of Field Marshal Paul von Hindenberg

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze

Hitler Bronze
The bust before we had it mounted shown with a copy of the book (Art in Germany) where several Pagels sculptures are shown

Hitler Bronze
Benito Mussolini

Hitler Bronze
Hermann Joachim Pagels (Sept 1876—July 1959

Bronze Statue of Adolf Hitler by Herman Pagels (Item AH 29-11)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the finest Hitler busts that we have ever seen. It is life sized and sculpted by the famous German Third Reich artist Herman Pagels, who was born on 11 September 1876, in Lübeck. He was a pupil of the famous sculptors Brausewetter and Breuer. Pagels’ works were often displayed in Berlin. We show here some other fine sculptures by this prolific and talented artist. The foundry marks can be found at the base of the back of the neck (“Lauchhammer Bildguss 21”) with a logo mark. Of course it is signed by Pagels. The plinth, of course, was in marble or granite and was a casualty of war. Seldom do you ever find one of these busts with the marble intact. They were easily broken and often looters would purposely remove them for shipping practicality. We do know of another identical Pagels bust of the Führer in Germany that has the original black granite plinth. These mountings often weighed more than the sculpture itself but the bronze sculpture is so elegant that we felt it needed the honorable distinction of being so mounted. Thus, after a meeting of the minds between my advisors and me, we made the decision to have it once more placed on a very fine and quite expensive granite double base plinth in black color just like the one in Munich. The sculpture is roughly 12 inches high and from the back of the head to the tip of the nose is measured at about 9 inches (in other words, life-sized). The granite base measures on its bottom level 7 1/2 x 8 1/2 inches across and 2 inches deep . The upper taller granite piece measures 6 1/2 x 6 1/2 and 1 1/2 inches deep. The sculpture is quite heavy; easily 42 pounds. There are a few minor scratches here and there, but they don't detract and can be covered easily with an old antique-dealer’s trick of applying a dab of brown shoe polish. (Primitive?) Well, it works! and even top art galleries do this on a regular basis. All in all, Pagels probably did sculpt one of the greatest busts of Adolf Hitler that we think rivals and possibly exceeds the busts of Thorak, Brecker, Ley, Wolf, etc. This is really an incredible find, greatly accomplished, and prodigiously important.



Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust
The backside

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust
The plaque

Hitler Bust

Bust of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 29-12)

DESCRIPTION: Here is an original bust of Adolf Hitler. “Yes, Willi,” they did make and sell busts of the Führer in plaster of Paris. In fact, 75 percent of Hitler busts that were sold to his adoring public were in this form. The average family that wanted to have “the Liberator” on their mantle couldn’t afford the bust in bronze because they were very expensive, even back then. This bust that we feature is very detailed and lifelike and every bit as nice as the bronze editions. It is mounted on a piece of wood as the plinth. The bust’s measurement is about 9 or 10 inches high while the wooden plinth measures 5 ½ inches high and 4 ½ inches wide all around. The finish is a bronze-gilt color. On the front of the plinth is a plaque measuring 2 x 3 inches that has a rather beautiful N.S. eagle perched on a swastika with the letters “E.C.R.” and underneath this it says “Weihnachts-Woche 1933/1934 II. II.” This translates to “Christmas Week 1933/1934.” Therefore, I believe that this bust was presented within some smaller N.S. group in commemoration of two Christmas celebrations within the loyal group. This is really a great Third Reich relic and important to German history and a people’s devotion to its leader.



Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Bust of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 29-13; PARTEI 4-15)

DESCRIPTION: Here is an original-period bust of the Führer. It was manufactured in white-metal material and has a beautiful glow to it (brilliant!). Many National Socialist items such as miniature Nuremberg stadium eagles and statues of SA troopers were done in this metal. Bronze statuary pieces were too expensive for much of the populace, but being patriotic, they simply had to have such items as these to demonstrate their faith and affection for the N.S. movement and its messianic leader. These items were sold in specialty shops throughout the Reich and thousands were sold in the shops in Nuremberg during the annual Reich Party Rallies (National; Socialist (Reichsparteitag). The bust measures about 8 inches high and is mounted on a very fine marble base that is 1½ inches square. The likeness of the Führer is spot on; possibly the best depiction of him we have ever seen. He wears the N.S. uniform shirt and the necktie and has the party eagle stickpin. To find a bust of Hitler that shows the uniform is rare as usually the busts depict only his head. This is definitely a great representation of the German leader’s likeness in realistic artistic sculpture.

PRICE: $1,400.00


Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Hitler Book

Small Book Entitled Hitler, Man and Power (Item AH 29-14; RAREBOOK 2-22)

DESCRIPTION: This small booklet measuring 5½ x 7¾ inches is in very good condition and has 96 pages of text and 19 very good pictures. The book would have been distributed to various news agencies. You can see inside in the opening pages that is was presented to the Associated Press and the New York Times plus various British news agencies. It is pretty much a history up until 1932 of the Führer and the NSDAP. The pictures are stunningly clear and it is one of the best books we have seen that illustrates in word and text (in German) the struggle of the NSDA in the time known as the “Kampfzeit.” The book is paperback and in remarkable fine condition for its age of 86 years.

PRICE: $195.00



Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature
Hitler loved children, and many were invited to visit him at the Berghof.

Hitler Signature
Here, he leads a little visitor up to the Berghof.

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Signed and Dedicated Hitler Postcard (Item AH 29-17; AHSIG 1-12a)

DESCRIPTION: Commercially produced postcards depicting Hitler with children saw wide circulation in Germany; this one has the rare distinction of being inscribed and signed by the Führer. Inscription says: "Der Christine Gentsel am Obersalzberg 1938." When Hitler was in attendance at the Berghof he would often invite parents to bring their children with them so that he might meet and celebrate them. This card measures 5½ inches by 3½ inches. The former collector mounted it in a modern, but good-looking 8½- by 6½-inch frame; it has the look of a 1930s’ style. Hitler loved children and loved to be photographed with them. Concepts and attitudes toward children in Nationalist Socialist Germany came chiefly from the ideas and ideals of Adolf Hitler. Even in his early years as NS leader when leading the nation, this was a distant dream. Hitler placed great emphasis on the importance of children. Unlike other nations’ political leaders, Hitler never disregarded young people or underestimate their political value. His vision of an enduring Third Reich was based not only on the loyalty and obedience of adults, but also their offspring. Hitler wanted the National Socialist movement to appeal to all levels of society including the young. He also wanted to provide children in National Socialist Germany with a sense of purpose, achievement, and community. Finally and most importantly Hitler’s youth policies aimed at filling the minds of young German’s with ideas about racial purity and Aryan supremacy. Perhaps the most important subject in this process was history. Pro-NS histories were filled with tales of Germanic heroes and warriors, political leaders, and military conquests. Other academic subjects such as simple mathematics were neglected in contrast. This is a very rare offering in the fact that Hitler seldom wrote a dedication on any of the items he signed for anyone. This little lady was often a guest of the Führer and shows up in several magazines of the time.


Note: A photograph showing Adolf Hitler's embracing a young girl who had a Jewish grandmother has sold at auction for $11,520.

The Washington Post reports the black-and-white image taken by Heinrich Hoffmann and inscribed by Hitler in dark-blue ink shows him smiling as he embraces Rosa Bernile Nienau in 1933, at his mountainside retreat. The paper reports the image was deployed as propaganda at a time when the Nazi leader was being presented to the world as a kindly figure. Research showed Hitler became aware of the girl’s Jewish heritage, but chose to ignore it. Nienau, who was nearly 6 years old when the photo was taken, died of polio in 1943. According to James Wilson’s book, Hitler’s Alpine Headquarters, one of Hitler’s henchmen discovered the young girl’s roots and forbade her and her mother from visiting the retreat. But Hitler wasn’t told, and after a while, Hitler wondered what happened to his favorite child. Eventually, he learned she’d been blacklisted from the property and he was not happy, the book said.

Hitler Signature


Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Official Promotion Document Signed by Hitler and the Chief of the Army Staff, Werner von Blomberg (Item AH 29-19; AHSIG 1-13)

DESCRIPTION: This is an incredible document promoting Lieutenant Colonel Meyer-Rabingen to colonel. Meyer-Rabingen was on the staff of the command headquarters of the city of Glogau. The document displays a raised stamp of the Reich with eagle and swastika. Both signatures are quite clear and written in pen. The title of the document reads, “In the name of the Reich.” Pasted on the back is a translation that was written by a German academic by the name of Uwe Plas. The document is dated March 16, 1936, and Hitler signs it as “The ‘Führer’ and Chancellor of the Reich.” The rest of the presentation reads, “I carry out (or sign) this certificate combined with the expectation that the appointee will be faithful to his oath of service and fulfills his official duties to the welfare of the Reich and that he warrants the confidence which is proved to him by this appointment which is approved. At the same time I assure him my special protection.” The town of Glogau is a former German town, which, unfortunately is now occupied by Poland. On the right of the document is an original picture of Hermann Meyer-Rabingen. Below this is a postcard depicting Adolf Hitler giving the traditional NS salute. The document itself measures about 8 x 12 inches. The picture of Lieutenant Colonel Meyer-Rabingen measures 5½ x 4 inches. The same measurement applies to the picture of Hitler below. The frame size is 23 x 19 inches. On the back is the translation along with two photocopied pictures of Meyer-Rabingen from a book on WWII. (The former collector added the frame.) Werner von Blomberg was chief of the Army General Staff from 1935-1938, when he was replaced by Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel and the position was later assumed by Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch. This document is really quite rare as after 1939 Hitler signed only promotion documents for very senior military officials (generals and Knight’s Cross winners).



Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature

Hitler Signature
The official ACA certificate of
authenticity for the signature

Hitler Signature
This is the official envelope seal that was put on the envelope’s
flap after the original insertion of the photo.

Hitler Signature
This is the official ACA authentication
certification of the envelope.

Hitler Signature
Note the flap side shows a rip that has been repaired
and reinforced both front and back.

Hitler Signature
Note: that the envelope has the words "VORSICHT -- KUNSTBLATT" ("Caution -- artistic document").
Also note the crisp and clear seal of the Presidential Chancery of the Führer and Reich's Chancellor.

Signed and Dedicated Original Vintage Photograph of Adolf Hitler with the Original Envelope that it was sent in with Official Certification Papers by the ACA (Item AH 29-20; AHSIG 1-14)

DESCRIPTION: This is an utterly fantastic find on the part of Germania International. It is an original large, 10- x 14-inch black-and-white photograph. It is signed with text/dedication in the German language by Adolf Hitler himself that translates to: “With friendly greetings and blessings to you from Adolf Hitler.” It was written with a black-ink fountain pen, circa 1940. The photo and signature are certified by ACA certification. The photo was inserted inside a large mailing envelope dated Jan 1 and 19, 1940. It has the postal stamp which is included. The large, official 14- x 11-inch envelope has the official Führer Chancellery seal on the front. The great rarity was the envelope in which this signed photo was sent to its recipient Herrn Anton Hamer at his address in Siegmar-Schönau from Berlin in January 1940. On the back of the envelope it is provided with the rare official red seal of the Führer (Extra rare) and this is also certified by the ACA). Photos signed by Hitler are quite rare, but one of this size, signed and dedicated is unique in itself. The photo is slightly torn under the text under the signature of the Führer; the signature is unaffected as well as the text. The photo is in a heavy, stiff-plastic sleeve; we will not remove it although it can be easily done so if one would want to frame it. Except for the small tear, the photo is in excellent condition for its age. It was signed at the very beginning of the Second World War and after the invasion of Poland by the German Wehrmacht. We have learned through German collectors and experts that the city Siegmar-Schönau no longer exists; it is now part of the city of Chemnitz. In Siegmar-Schönau there was the Rüstungsindustrie (military equipment industry). So, we think Anton Hamer was a man with of rather high importance, maybe the general manager of the Rüstungsindustrie. We could not find any information on Anton Hamer himself but it is known that Adolf Hitler had many friends in the Rüstungsindustrie so I think it possible that Anton Hamer was of high importance to Hitler. There is some slight damage to the left-side top of the envelope, but this is undoubtedly where Herr Hamer first opened the envelope, so this is ‘natural and expected damage.’ Other than that, the envelope is in beautiful condition, being in plastic also but it can be removed in a second! We did not do this because we didn’t wish to disturb the beautiful red and white applied paper stamp on the back seen as the National Eagle which says “Der Führer und Reichskanzler” around its edges. The stamp is of extreme detail and in absolutely perfect condition. This would only be applied to anything special and authorized to be sent on behalf and authorized by the Führer. The ACA is a company highly qualified to certify autographs and to accomplish grading. The group is associated with and is a member of the National Association of Document Examiners.







Book Der grossdeutsche Freiheitskampf; REDEN ADOLF HITLERS (Item AH 29-21)

DESCRIPTION: These are the speeches of Adolf Hitler made between the September 1, 1939 and March 10, 1940. The book was published in 1940 by the Central Publishing Office of the NSDAP, Franz Eher, Munich. It is a small, hardcover book of 190 pages of the Führer’s speeches. (Reden Adolf Hitlers). It’s in very good condition and measures 5 x 7½ inches and ½ inch thick.

PRICE: $100.00.


Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness

Hitler Likeness
Bottom of the box

Patriot Box Featuring the Face of the Führer (Item AH 29-22)

DESCRIPTION: This is typical kitsch of the 1920s and early 1930s. The likeness of Hitler is very good and is surrounded by an oak-leaf motif interspersed with geometric design. The metal box measures about 9½ inches long, about 2½ inches deep, and 4 inches wide. It has sort of a cedar lining that has some traces of red wax so it probably was used for the storage of wax seals. The oak-leaf decoration continues with some Art Nouveau features on the sides and ends of the box. There are tiny, round, brass feet at all four corners. In 1933, when Hitler was appointed Chancellor, many things like this were produced to commemorate his success. Shortly after that, by his order, such things were no longer allowed. By then, he was considered too sacrosanct to have his face bandied about and the NSDAP forbade a great amount of these novelties so they are actually quite rare and actively sought by collectors. The condition is good with a bit of plating loss, but all in all, it is quite an impressive piece of Hitlerama.

PRICE: $650.00


Hitler and Mussolini

Hitler and Mussolini

Archival Picture Featuring Hitler and Mussolini (Item AH 29-23; IFAS 4-24)

DESCRIPTION: We acquired some of these from a Russian dealer who claims that they were extras from Russian archives and were released quite a few years ago. They have some scribbling on the back which he told me was a mark signifying release from Russian war archives. This one has a stamp with numbers “6788” written on it. These pictures are with ragged edges and are similar to snapshots, but are quite clear in their presentation. Size is 4½ x 3¼ inches. Hitler is seen in the picture with Mussolini who has obviously disembarked from an airplane seen in the background.

PRICE: $125.00


Hitler and Troops

Hitler and Troops

Archival Picture of the Führer Congratulating his Troops at the Front (Item AH 29-24)



Hitler and Troops

Hitler and Troops

Picture of Hitler and Albert Speer Released from Russian Archives (Item AH 29-25)



Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware
Silver markings on spoon

Hitler Flatware
Wellner logo on blade

Hitler Flatware
Christmas dinner at the Munich apartment

Hitler Flatware
A luncheon at the apartment

Hitler Flatware
Hitler has enjoyed a luncheon at his apartment in Munich

Hitler Flatware
Hitler and Eva enjoy a meal

Set of Original Adolf Hitler Silverware from his Munich Apartment (Informal Pattern) (Item AH 29-26)

DESCRIPTION: Adolf Hitler maintained an apartment at #16 Prinzregentenstrasse in Munich from 1929 to 1934. The absolutely genuine set of flatware that we offer here was the type considered the “informal” pattern, but it is also called the “apartment silver” not to be confused with the “formal” pattern (See a set of the formal style at AH 28-19). It’s generally accepted that only a thousand or so pieces of the apartment silver were ever produced while five to six thousand of the formal pieces existed. Although the formal is prettier, it’s obvious that the informal apartment pieces are far more rare and the likelihood of these implements actually being personally used by der Führer is far greater than with the formal type that would have been found at the Reich Chancellery, the Berghof, the Braun House, the Berchtesgaden Chancellery, and other N.S. government buildings. The informal pattern was at the Prinzregentenstrasse ONLY. Both patterns were hallmarked in the identical manner and the marks appear in line, being a crescent moon, a crown, “800”, and a Prussian eagle. Both patterns were produced by the Wellner firm and the knives are stamped with a “W”. Both formal and informal were always produced in silver; sets of three pieces are rare indeed. If you have ever wanted to have an original item that belonged to Adolf Hitler, here is a rare chance to procure the same at an extremely reasonable price.



Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Original Informal Hitler Apartment Silver Flatware Piece (Item AH 29-27)

DESCRIPTION: If you read the description of the set of knife, fork, and spoon above you will see the description of informal or apartment flatware. We are offering here a single spoon for anyone who would like to have only one example of this type of extremely rare tableware. The spoon has all of the mentioned hallmarks and of course has the eagle and “AH” spaced on each side of the swastika in the bird’s talon. This is a standard dinner spoon measuring about 7¼ inches long. It is in immaculate condition and as we have explained, only about 1000 of these were ever produced by the Wellner firm. Be sure to look at our description of the table set for further information.

PRICE: $1,700.00


Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Original Informal Hitler Apartment Silver Flatware Piece (Item AH 29-27a)

DESCRIPTION: If you read the description of the set of knife, fork and spoon above you will see the description of informal or apartment flatware. We are offering here a single fork for anyone who would like to have only one example of this type of extremely rare tableware. The fork has all of the mentioned hallmarks and of course has the eagle and “AH” spaced on each side of the swastika in the bird’s talon. This is a standard dinner fork measuring about 7¼ inches long. It’s in immaculate condition and as we have explained, only about 1,000 of these were produced by the Wellner firm. Be sure to look at our description of the table set for further information.



Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware

Hitler Flatware
The silver mark

Hitler Flatware
The Wellner logo

Original Informal Hitler Apartment Silver Flatware Piece (Item AH 29-27b)

DESCRIPTION: If you read the description of the set of knife, fork and spoon above you will see the description of informal or apartment flatware. We are offering here a single informal dinner knife for anyone who would like to have only one example of this type of extremely rare tableware. The knife has the “800” silver mark and the Wellner logo on the blade and of course it has the eagle and “AH” spaced on each side of the swastika in the bird’s talon. This is a standard dinner knife measuring about 10 inches long. It’s in immaculate condition and as we have explained, only about 1,000 of these were ever produced by the Wellner firm. Be sure to look at our description of the three-piece table set for further information.

PRICE: $2,000.00


Hitler Last Will and Testament

Hitler Last Will and Testament

Hitler Last Will and Testament

Hitler Last Will and Testament
Hitler's private testament

Hitler Last Will and Testament

Hitler Last Will and Testament
Goebbels' declaration that he will disobey the Führer's order

Adolf Hitler’s Last Will and Testament (Item AH 29-28; RAREBOOK 2-23)

DESCRIPTION: In the mid 1960s, an enterprising gentleman undertook a major project in producing these fantastic copies of Hitler’s political testament and his private testament along with an addendum by Paul Joseph Goebbels dated April 29, 1945. The testaments are printed beautifully on an extremely fine parchment-style paper. The documents are featured in a red cardboard cover featuring the N.S. eagle and the title “Adolf Hitler” stamped in gold on the cover. All the document papers are in great shape, but were at one time fastened together with a paper clip. The cover measures 15¼ x 11 inches and is in great condition. Only 100 of these special editions were ever made. The translation is perfect on all the documents and the only part that has seen folding is the first sheet on normal paper that carries the same insignia as the cover.



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or call at 706.782.1668.

Please! do not call during the wee hours of the morning. The best time for calling us is between 10 am and 12 noon and between 9 and 11 pm eastern time.