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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich


Original Rings of the Freikorps














Freikorps Ring (Leering Skull) (Item FREI 1-2; WEHR 18-20)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the favorite ring styles of the Freikorps troops who saved Germany from the red menace in the 1920s. The skull is very similar to the “Werewolf” faction of the Free Corps. But skulls were used by several of these fierce combat-ready troops. See Item WEHR 3-2. The Freikorps is credited with being the one element that saved Germany from inclusion in the monstrous Soviet system of horror. Forever must its memory be preserved. The ring is clearly marked with ‘835’ silver designation inside. This is a handsome rare addition to any Kampfzeit collection.

PRICE: $950.00


Freikorps Ring

Freikorps Ring

Freikorps Ring

Freikorps Ring

Freikorps Ring

Freikorps Ring

Freikorps or Sturmtruppen Ring (Item FREI 1-3; WWI 8-1)

DESCRIPTION: Here is one of the tradition rings produced in the 1920s.For the narrative of how we acquired these rings and other jewelry see About Our Rings. The leering skull was a symbol of the German elite divisions know as Sturmtruppen, Storm Troops (assault detachment), which were infantry units specially armed and trained for attacking enemy defensive positions. This type of ring was employed by both these special troops and the Freikorps, later. The Freikorps, Free Corps, was a paramilitary unit that fought the communists in the German streets of Berlin and Munich and in the post-WWI years. They were used to defend the German borders against the good possibility of invasion by the red army and later they were very successful and effective in putting down the revolution from the left-wing Spartacists and other human rodents in 1921. After saving Germany from the red menace the Freikorps was dissolved and many of these seasoned fighters joined the ranks of the SA (Sturmabteilung) (Storm Sections), the private army of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP. This is a traditions ring made in commemoration of the mission of the Deutsches Freikorps. Of course, many of them were worn by ex-member and SA troopers. The ring is quite nice and made in the old 1920s fashion although produced in the mid to late 1930s. This is a very nice-looking skull ring.

PRICE: $550.00


Werwolf Ring
Werwolf Ring
Werwolf Ring
Silver markings
Werwolf Ring
Men of the Freikorps
Werwolf Ring
Freikorps to the Front
Werwolf Ring
Freikorps march in victory (Berlin)
Werwolf Ring
Freikorps recruiting poster
Freikorp Werwolf Ring (Item FREI 1-11)

DESCRIPTION: Here is the ring that would be worn by the veterans of the elite Free Corps Werwolf. For more information about this organziation and the men who were in it, see the narrative about the Werwolf flag just above on this page. Read our narrative on the home page entitled “About our rings and silver insignia.” This will inform you about our big purchase. The ring bears the skull insignia of Werwolf and the W for the group's logo. Iit has 835 as the silver content stamped inside the shank. It is a beautifully proportioned piece of jewelry and can be worn without stirring up too much controversy among the liberals and Baptists. But you personally will know that you wear that symbol that struck absolute and resounding fear in the black hearts of the Reds, Spartacus, and other undesirable street terrorists some 70 years ago. Actually we need them now! This is one of the most important pieces of jewelry of that turbulent era. You may not want to wear it but to keep it safely preserved as the historical treasure it is.  



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Please refer to item designator in parentheses in all correspondence.

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If you prefer, contact 'Germania' at PO Box 68, Lakemont, GA 30552
or call at 706.782.1668.

Please! do not call during the wee hours of the morning. The best time for calling us is between 10 and 11 am and between 9 and 11 pm eastern time.