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N.S. Party Days

Page 4



Reichs Party Day

Review of SA formations by the Fuhrer at Nuremberg before march to party grounds.


Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day
The Blood Flag at the 1929 Party Rally

Nuremberg 1929 Reichsparteitag Nonportable Award (cased) (Item PARTEI 4-1)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the sharpest-looking of any of the early awards of the NSDAP. It’s the commemorative award for one of the earliest party rallies in “Der Stadt der Reichsparteitag” Nuremberg. It’s a cased plaque that’s of silver-plated brass with an early style helmet pictured with an eagle and swastika perched upon the top. The dates 1914-1919 are also seen with the large words “Partei-tag 1929” and of course the letters spelling “Nürnberg is across the top. The badge was established on 15 August 1929, by the commander of the SA in commemoration of the Fourth Party Rally held in Nuremberg on 1/4 August 1929. As a badge it was worn continuously thereafter as an honor badge and was officially recognized as such in a Führer decree of 6 November 1936. All NSDAP members who had attended the rally were entitled to wear the badge. Additionally, as offered here, was a cased nonportable award measuring 35 mm wide by 80 mm high produced in bronze, silver, or gold plating. The one we have is the silver-plated version. This is thought to have been awarded for high achievement in efforts to organize the rally. The reverse side of this cased award bears the manufacturer’s name Hoffstätter Bonn. The case has the embossed letters that spell out “Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1929. It’s covered with smooth-grained maroon leather with the upper interior lid in white satin and the lower interior portion in grey velvet. This is one of the most impressive-looking awards of the Reich. It’s extremely rare in this condition or any condition. Don’t buy it! We love it!



Nazi Party

Nazi Party

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day
Helmet is for size perspective.

Party Day
Bronze eagle is for size perspective

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day
Third Reich Book

Party Day

Party Day

Party Day
Postcard of the Reich

Party Day
Hitler and Leni Reiefenstahl
looking up at eagles

Huge Hand Carved Nuremberg Stadium Eagle (Item PARTEI 4-4; EAGLE 1-10)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a stupendous carving that replicates the Gigantic Stadium Eagles from the Reich Parteitag (party congress) held at the ancient city of Nuremberg. Two of these massive eagles graced the pillars or plinths in the Luitpoldhain section of the party buildings that form the Reich Parteigalände or party compounds of the NSDAP (Nazi Party). These beautiful and ultra dramatic rallies were held in the years 1923 to 1938 in the Luitpoldhain field. And the Zeppelin field.The famed sculptor Kurt Schmid Ehmen designed, sculpted and cast two massive eagles or “Deutsche Adler”.  We are not sure if this is the original eagle carving that he might have used as a model for the gigantic pieces   but in speculative theory we might even say that it could be an Entwurf or original draft for the stadium eagles coming from the studio of Prof. Ehmen. The eagle was found in a shop in Nuremberg in 2004. Then again it might have been carved by some masterful wood carver for some special exhibition of Volkskunst “Art of the Folk”. Could this have been executed for the purpose of special display sitting above a door to an SA or SS headquarters or Kasserne? We may never know but we do know that the Schmidt Ehmen Eagles made quite a stir among the German people when first unveiled in a” Special Somber Ceremony” almost immediately various pictures, bronze statues, plaster of paris and wooden depictions of them were produced and sold. If you go to PARTEL 2-10 you can see original bronze castings that we unearthed in Germany. These were the much beloved souvenir of the rallies (expensive in their time). The man who we purchased this big one from had two of a smaller size in wood ¼ as big. We bought and sold one of these a few months back. These eagles were revered symbols of a strong and vibrant people whose agenda was the return of the mighty Reich of “Karl Der Grosse” a Reich that brought forward once more the glory and majesty of ancient Rome but ruled and governed by the “Herrenvolk”.The ideological heirs of the Germanic“Imperium”. If anything represented all of this to the  German people it was envisioned and personified in the visage of this pair of great stadium eagles. This piece is magnificently carved with all the magnificent detail of the Ehmen originals. It is truly huge.  The wood employed seems to be European oak. We cannot imagine any relic of the Reich being so prodigiously impressive and beautiful. Of all the various art pieces of the Third Reich nothing, absolutely nothing would be more Germanic than this wooden masterpiece of Volkskunst.

Sizes noted: From bottom of the plinth to the top of the eagles head measures 47 ½ inches (almost 4 foot high). The base is 21 x 13 x 6 inches deep. The wings each are 27 inches wide and 34 inches long from top to bottom the swastika is 5 inches all around. The wreath diameter is 16 inches. You can see we have offered various some size perspectives in some of the pictures. We set a standard helmet beside the eagle in one picture and one of our bronze eagles in another picture or two. This is a great Third Reich relic; possibly the greatest! It is extremely heavy and as you can see HUGE. It will take special crating and truck shipping or by sea container if it goes back to Europe. The price is quite reasonable when one considers that you would be buying a fantastically important and significant relic of the Reich; gone but not forgotten! $15,500.00   This is possibly the greatest bargain we have ever offered. 



Austrian SS Plaque
Austrian SS Plaque
Souvenir of the Reich's Party Day 1934

Austrian SS Plaque
Note: Decal placement
Austrian SS Plaque
Back of Plaque
Austrian SS Plaque
Austrian SS Plaque
Austrian SS Plaque

Austrian SS Plaque


Austrian SS Plaque
Austrian SS Plaque from the Reich Party's
Rally at Nuremberg
(Item PARTEI 4-5 & SS 34-5)
DESCRIPTION: This s a very handsome looking plaque depicting an SS trooper in profile. The soldier shown is an Austrian Allegemeine member of the Shutz Staffel (SS). This is perceived due to the fact that the SS symbol which would be a decal on an actual helmet is shown on the left side. We have included among our historical pictures here a picture from a book that shows the Austrian style M-16 helmet with the decals reversed. At the “Reichsparteitag” each year, SS groups and all other NSDAP functionaries from all over the greater German Reich would join in the grandiose ceremonies and this plaque commemorates and is a memorial to the party rally at Nuremberg in 1934 from the 5th to the 10th of September (This is so noted on the small plaque below the bust portrait). The silver plated plaque is mounted on a piece of black stained oak measuring altogether 11 ½ x 7 ½. The actual bust measures 7 ½ high and 5 inches across the widest part. This truly represents Austria’s contingent at the greatest of all the yearly rallies. Very dramatic looking and certainly extremely rare.

We are offering it at - - -


Nuremberg Memory Plaque

Nuremberg Memory Plaque
Nuremberg Memory Plaque
Nuremberg Memory Plaque
Nuremberg Memory Plaque

Memory Plaque from the Reichs Party Rallies at Nuremberg (Item PARTEI 4-6)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the souvenirs that were sold on the grounds of the Reichsparteitag in Nuremberg during the annual rallies. The people attending these “earth shattering” events naturally had to have a souvenir of their attendance, whether it be a simple scarf, a key fob, postcards, a paper flag or something as expensive as a bronze eagle by Schmidt Ehmen. Pictures of Hitler were, of course, the main selling item and came in many different shapes, sizes and artistic modes. This one that we offer here is a particularly nice one in its presentation. It has a picture of Hitler under beveled glass and is set into an elaborate frame in metal with an eagle at its top, folded flag like tapestries surround the inner wreath of laurel. Under the picture is a frame that has within a legend that says, “Ehre Seinem Andenken!” -- Honor Your Memories! The plaque is typically mounted on a black board that measures 7" x 10".  This is a very handsome souvenir plaque, important historically and a great collectible of the great Party rallies.


German Telegram
German Telegram
National Socialist Official Reichsparteitag Telegram (Item PARTEI 4-8)

DESCRIPTION: This was a special telegram form that was designed and utilized by the Deutsche Reichspost (German Mail Service) to commemorate the annual party Congress at Nuremberg known as the Reichsparteitag (annual N.S. party rally). They were only available at the Nuremberg post offices during the time of the rally each year.  The one we have was not sent but was bought for a souvenir and given to a friend in 1941.  There are some notes by hand inside. The elaborate colorful cover has a scene of Adolf Hitler giving the salute to the marching SA Storm Troopers as they march past his Mercedes automobile on their planned route to the Party grounds where the main ceremonies would take place.   Images of the ancient Nuremberg fortress and church are seen in the background. This is of course “artist license” since the fortress is not actually that close to the Adolf Hitler Platz to be viewed like this (beautiful anyway!). The Wappen or symbol of Nuremberg waves overhead.  Several N.S. flags are seen within the parade. Two SA leaders are standing near the car.  On the back of the telegram is a depiction of the standard top from a Germany Awake banner. Size 11 ½ inches by 8 ½ inches. A beautiful and meaningful relic of the Iron Time.  It would look great framed!



Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics


Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics
Presentation letter

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics
Presentation page

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics
The Olympics of antiquity

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics
German women's team

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics
Jesse Owens

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics
Jesse, again

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics

Riefenstahl Book on 1939 Olympics
The Italian team

Book by Leni Riefenstahl entitled Schönheit Im Olympischen Kampf (Beauty in Olympic Competition) (Item PARTEI 4-9; OLY 7-14; ART 17-14)

DESCRIPTION: Let’s begin by telling you that this is a very rare book in any condition, and continue by telling you that the condition is near ‘mint’ with the original dustcover and this is just never found! Second, this is a presentation volume and was presented in 1938 to Herr Fritz Grau, who was evidently the president of the Deutsche Bank in Stuttgart; the presentation was mad by the members of the sports association connected to the bank. The Deutsche Bank was one of the major sponsors of the Berlin 1936 Olympics. The association had given him this beautiful book as a gift in appreciation of his untiring work on behalf of the group and the Jubilee of the Association. The original letter of presentation and its envelope are found folded under the cover. There is a beautiful hand-written presentation inscription on the front page of the book; it reads as follows: “In Jahre Grossdeutschlands unserem als Vereinsführer Fritz Grau Jubiläumsgabe überreicht Sportvereinigung Deutsche Bank Stuttgart Zum 1 Aug 1938.“ This translates to: “In the year of “Great Germany” our association leader Fritz Gau - In the jubilee we present this from the sports group of the German Bank of Stuttgart on August 1, 1938.” The book itself is a marvelous collection of photography all taken by the master photographer Leni Riefenstahl, herself, and her crew. It is the greatest and most artistic endeavor ever put in book form on sports and is still never equaled. It’s a massive coffee-table book of 281 pages chronicling the beauty of the human form at its best; a celebration of human endurance and the true brotherhood of man, as it should be. Here they were bringing out the best of the races of man. They were competing, but also sharing a common goal and that was to make their individual nations proud of their achievements, yet they were taking part in a true spirit of international brotherhood. When one looks through these pictures one realizes that the propaganda of the subhuman element in the U.S. and British press—then and now—spreads lies that were nothing but pure B.S. For instance, the “whopper” about the Führer’s snubbing Jesse Owens and all the other lies spread by what and who I call the “traditional enemy” of truth. The way Leni Riefenstahl, as a very important representative of the N.S. Reich, handled pictures of Owens in this book illustrates better than words what the German people thought of him and it is starting to come out what he thought of them. The thing about Hitler’s snubbing him was nothing but a flagrant lie and should be put to rest with all the other Roosevelton canards to be thrown in a manure heap. That’s where historical revision makes its mark bringing history in accordance with the facts. “Brotherhood” should mean no ‘Brother wars’ for the sake of G.W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Obama, or George Soros. “Let’s make Olympics, not war.” This is the finest book we have ever offered for even better reason than its obvious beauty. It is a testimony to the dignity of man that has lived through the ages and rises above the insidious hate brought about by culture aliens; then and now. It measures 9 ½ x 12 inches and is captioned in German, English, French, Spanish—Olympiad Hail!




Party Day Book

Party Day Book


Party Day Book

Party Day Book

Party Day Book

Party Day Book

Party Day Book

Party Day Book

Party Day Book

Party Day Book
Rare image of Hitler and Röhm

Party Day Book
Slight binding damage

Party Day Book

Party Day Book

Party Day Book
The fold-out

Party Day Book
More of the fold-out

Party Day Book
More of the fold-out

Party Day Book

Book Der Parteitag des Sieges: Nürnberg 1933 (Item PARTEI 4-10)

DESCRIPTION: This ultrarare softcover book is chock full of images from the Nuremberg Party Rally of 1933, the year of the ascension to power of the NSDAP. First, the front and back cover of this book are a little distressed with a stain on the back cover and some bits of binding chipped and torn, but they don’t look to be getting any worse. I’m sure they will hold well. Inside it clearly says that this is a 100-picture documentary of the party rally of 1933 produced by Heinrich Hoffmann, who was the official photographer of the NSDAP. The foreword is written by the national youth leader Baldur von Schirach. The pictures from this early time are in sepia tone and are wonderfully presented; a great deal of rare photographic footage not published anywhere else. The march past of the SS, HJ, SA, political leaders in town and party grounds is magnificently portrayed in these 100 great pictures and you are right there!!! I know I would have loved to have been there! The book was from the library of the NSDAP offices in Gau Westmark and their stamp is evident inside the front cover and the back. One exclusive feature of this rare edition is that folded in the back of the book is a fantastic three-foot long photograph Standartenweihe im Luitpoldhain 1933. This was the review of the standards and Standarten in the section known as the Luitpoldhain of the Nuremberg Party grounds. This is nothing short of magnificent! It looks like a million of the uniformed party faithful assembled there. This book was the forerunner of the cigarette book Deutschland Erwache that later had this same ‘super picture.’ Thousands of D.E. books show up, but this pilot piece is extremely rare.

PRICE: $425.00


Party Day Guide


Party Day Guide Book
SA groups line up thus

Party Day Guide Book
Political leaders' line-up

Party Day Guide Book

Party Day Guide Book

Party Day Guide Book

Party Day Guide Book

Party Day Guide Book

Party Day Guide Book

Booklet (Wegweiser) for the Reich’s Party Rally of 1937 (Item PARTEI 4-11)

DESCRIPTION: Wegweiser is translated in this case as “Guide” for the organizers of the festivities and a script for the official formations of SA, SS, political leaders, Hitler Youth, et al. It measures 3 ½ x 4 ½ inches. It contains the program of the Reichsparteitag and includes the entry of the Führer and his entourage, and the instructions to the press by the Reich’s President of the German Press P.G. Dr. Dietrich. The little book is cram full of information about the 1937 rally, which was the greatest public celebration ever and featured the elite of Western man and its reach for Imperium since the glory of ancient Rome. The little book is a historic treasure regardless of its size.

PRICE: $250.00


Party Day, Ashtray


Party Day, Ashtray

Party Day, Ashtray

Party Day, Ashtray

Party Day, Ashtray

Party Day, Ashtray

Party Day, Ashtray

Ashtray from Nuremberg (Item PARTEI 4-12)

DESCRIPTION: This pewter ashtray was a souvenir that a visitor to “Nürnberg” would be able to buy in any of the central Nuremberg gift shops. They were especially popular at the time of the fantastic and beautiful NSDAP Party rallies held in the massive Nuremberg city annex. The ashtray measures 5 ½ inches in diameter and features four scenes from the old romantic city to include the N.S. Zeppelin Field and the Luitpoldhain Arena. These were the great amphitheaters where the N.S. activities were gloriously staged and where the SA, Hitler Youth, SS, and Labor Corps paraded and participated in wonderful and gorgeous martial pageantry. The other two scenes depicted are the “Hauptmarkt-Platz” (named “Adolf-Hitler-Platz” during the Reich era), and of course the old castle with its famous “Heidenturm” (Tower of the Heathens). The historically precious castle was badly damaged by allied bombing in WWII, but has been restored to a great extent. The ashtray is in fine condition with some apparent wear in the bottom of the tray from years of cigarette usage.

PRICE: $195.00; Reduced to $145.00




Medal ribbons are the war-service cross and is either the Social Service Cross or the NSAP Long Service Medal

Party buttons and the reinforced button holes

Collar tabs. Note the slight mothing

Collar tabs. Note the slight mothing


Note the little eagles on the collar pips

Original armband that had to be repaired


Replaced swastika on the tunic









This image shows the party pin, collar tabs, medal ribbons, buttons, etc.



PPK holster is not included with outfit


The second belt with the outfit


Right-side tunic pocket; some badges would have gone here















The maker's label

Political Leader Uniform for Haupteinsatzleiter (Head of Operations) (Item NSD 21-18; SA 14-36; PARTEI 4-14)

DESCRIPTION: This uniform that consists of tunic, necktie, visor cap, two belts, party pin, and trousers was for a political leader of the NSDAP, who could have been a cell-operations foremen, a block leader, or even a regional office leader. This is determined by the pattern of the swastika armband he wears. His collar tabs indicates that he was of secretary commission level in the Gau hierarchy. Seen in the images are a holster for a Walther PPK automatic pistol, and a pair of boots. These items do not go with the outfit; we have shown them only to illustrate what a political leader in the Third Reich would have worn. I have said there are two belts; one of them is the dress belt worn on special occasions with the round gold-colored brocade with the national eagle and swastika surrounded with oak leaves. The other is with the standard belt buckle. These individuals pretty much wore their uniforms every day in their office functions, but once a year in September the Nuremberg Reichsparteitag was held and the entire political leader corps would march into the rallies that were massive and beautiful and were held from 1923 with subsequent annual gatherings? 1927, 1929 and the ones that featured the political leaders would be the 1933 through 1938. They usually marched in at night with hundreds of search lights beaming giving the impression, when referred to by the British ambassador to Germany as: “ . . . both solemn and beautiful . . .like being in ‘a cathedral of ice.’” As we have noted, the man who wore this uniform was an officer at the Gau level. The Gaus were the official administrative subdivisions of National Socialist Germany. Each one had an administrative leader (Gauletier). Germany consisted of 32 districts in 1934 and later, 42. The uniform for a Haupteinsatzleiter would fall to such an individual to be in a general staff positon that was common across all levels of the Party. He would have been typically assigned to substantially important administrative duties. This corps is the only one of the Party and military functionaries that did not have a dress dagger as did the SA, SS, Hitler Youth, or Labor Corps. Instead, the political leaders had a pistol (Walther PPK) that they wore while in uniform. The reason for this was that Communist thugs would attack them in the time before the pistols were issued. After that these vermin, thinking that unarmed Nazi would be easy prey, were treated to a deadly surprise!!! The trousers of the outfit have one noticeable moth hole in the crotch area otherwise the tunic and trousers are in very good shape. Note: After the war, the family of the man lived in former Communist East Germany in Halle am Salle. It was forbidden to have anything with a swastika on it by official edict, but they didn’t want to destroy Papa’s uniform even though all the buttons have the forbidden symbol as well as the collar tabs. The dress belt had a very blatant eagle and swastika and of course there was his NSDAP Party pin. But the part that was in their mind the most troublesome was the armband with its highly conspicuous ostentatious Hakenkreuz (swastika). So, they removed the white field with the so-called notorious figuration. Now why did they feel all the other N.S. symbolism would be all right? We can’t say nor did the family member who sold it to us know or at least wouldn’t speak of it. My guess is that when the war ended these folks thought that a just peace between the N.S. government and the American, Brits, and French would realize that the true enemy was Communism and the former N.S. Party officials would be reinstated and Germany would be rearmed and go forth with the Allies against the greatest enemy mankind ever faced–Soviet Bolshevism! So the uniform was carefully hidden away in homes that the swastika flag would hopefully flutter once again in Halle. One of the women of the family cut the swastika out of the armband, but obviously it was preserved separately and hidden from sight like the rest of the uniform. When our German picker bought the outfit he took it to a trusted tailor and had it put back together. It’s not really a bad job and would be I am sure very acceptable to a serious collector. It is, after all, an extremely scarce N.S. uniform. “Alles für Deutschland!




Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Hitler Bust

Bust of Adolf Hitler (Item PARTEI 4-15; AH 29-13)

DESCRIPTION: Here is an original-period bust of the Führer. It was manufactured in white-metal material and has a beautiful glow to it (brilliant!). Many National Socialist items such as miniature Nuremberg stadium eagles and statues of SA troopers were done in this metal. Bronze statuary pieces were too expensive for much of the populace, but being patriotic, they simply had to have such items as these to demonstrate their faith and affection for the N.S. movement and its messianic leader. These items were sold in specialty shops throughout the Reich and thousands were sold in the shops in Nuremberg during the annual Reich Party Rallies (National; Socialist (Reichsparteitag). The bust measures about 8 inches high and is mounted on a very fine marble base that is 1½ inches square. The likeness of the Führer is spot on; possibly the best depiction of him we have ever seen. He wears the N.S. uniform shirt and the necktie and has the party eagle stickpin. To find a bust of Hitler that shows the uniform is rare as usually the busts depict only his head. This is definitely a great representation of the German leader’s likeness in realistic artistic sculpture.

PRICE: $1,400.00




Weimar Parteitag Badge Commemorating Ten Years of Weimar Rallies (Item PARTEI 4-16)

DESCRIPTION: Here is just about the finest detailed N.S. badge I have ever seen. It is a commemoration piece that celebrates the first organized National Socialist Party Congress held in Germany. The name of the rally was Deutschland Erwache (Germany Awake) and here was seen the first standards bearing that title on the cloth portion of the standarte. The badge shows this standard with the town name “Thüringen” in the box below. This town is in Bezirk Weimar. The badge is in bronze or brass. It has a pin on the back. The words along the edge translate to: “10-Year Remembrance of the Weimar Rallies.” Beautiful and large; about 2 inches in diameter.

PRICE: $85.00









Reichspartietag Poster for the Proposed 1939 Reichspartietag that Never Occurred (Item PARTEI 4-17)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of the pieces that came out of Russian wartime archives that we were fortunate enough to put here. This was a proposed poster that would have announced the 1939 rally that never happened because the war started and there was no Party Congress that year. The poster, extremely dramatic looking, shows the Reich’s Party Day eagle holding in its claws a circular border of swastikas with the SS runics in the center instead of the usual swastika. This was to be the Party Day of Peace and Freedom (Reichspartietag des Friedens) but because of the untoward actions of Germany’s foes the emphasis was now on preparation and conduct of war. The poster is extremely rare and in very good condition except for the fact that when stored in the archives it was folded in half and the line across the middle is quite visible. It measures 34 inches long by 23 wide.



Jakob Grimminger, standard-bearer of the November 9th Blutfahne


A memorial to the fallen of November 9, 1923








Part of flag section lock: open position

Part of flag section lock: partially locked position






A very early image of NSDAP members with a nonmobile swastika flag. “X” denotes Hitler

Note the spear-top SA flag in the background

Note that the spear top was used by the as well as the SA

Hochland SA march in Munich in early 1920s

Blood Flag is shown here prior to the consecration of flags and standard

Other sacred traditions flags are paraded in Munich

Hochland SA in review before the Führer. NOTE: Lederhosen.

Hochland SA troopers. Notice the blue collar tabs.

From page 248 in the book The SA: A Historical Perspective by Jill Halcomb

Magnificent Historical SA Unit Flag with Pole and Spear Top (Item PARTEI 4-18; FLAG 5-10, SA 15-7)

DESCRIPTION: This is a very important SA flag with the original-issue flagpole. For those collectors who have been around for considerable years they will immediately recognize the name of the late Bob Coleman. Mr. Coleman was the world’s greatest expert on the Sturmabteilung (SA) and it was he that did the expertise on this incredible flag. Here is what Mr. Coleman had to say: “This is an interesting SA Sturmfahne for Sturm 32 Standarte 3 Gruppe Hochland, which was headquartered in Augsburg Scheissgraben Str-16. The additional unit patches indicated other Sturm that were associated into this Sturm. What makes this flag so interesting is a large bloodstain on the middle edge and bottom corner. There are several smaller bloodstains on the red field of the flag.” Mr. Coleman presumed this would have indicated that the flag had been carried by an injured SA member due to a violent encounter with members of the Red Front. He went on to say that he was attempting to research the flag to discover the source of the stains. Blood stained items from the period of struggle were highly revered items in the Third Reich. In a further description, he goes on to say of it: “Flag with these traditions numbers according to the 1938 Order Standarte 3 was for the Augsburg SA group of Hochland. Standarte 15 was Donauwörth, also Hochland. The flag was first held by Sturm 22/15, then handed over to Sturm 10/15 and later to Sturm 29 from Standarte 3 and 22, and finally it ended in the hands of Sturm 32 from Standarte 3. The color for Hochland was light blue. (This was signed Bob Coleman.) In our opinion the flag itself dates very early during the Kampzeit, and was carried as a traditional unit flag and was actually carried into the heat of battle. This is well named as a traditions Kampzeit flag. It seems certain that it was battle tested in the struggle against the horrible Communist menace that beset Germany in those days; therefore, it deserves a place of honor in perpetual display and when this present time of insanity subsides perhaps it will be a featured and honored as it certainly deserves. The Hochland-SA Standarte was one of the toughest of the Brown battalions; they were for the most part Bavarian mountain men and although their tunics and shirts were standard SA issue,the trousers they wore were Lederhosen (leather shorts in parade formation.

Flag Description

The flag is huge!. The cloth comprising the actual flag measures 45 inches wide and 50 inches long. The pole that fits together like a bayonet with a special metal fitting measures altogether at 115 inches. The swastika is of the 1920s style that has the nonmobile configuration that does not tilt as with the later and more recognized style. The later ceremonial flags were usually featured with silver fringe along three of the edges. Make no mistake, here is a battle-scarred and bloodied veteran of the war known as the Kampzeit and that to the NSDAP would be thought of as a “Heilige Reliquie” (Sacred Relic). It is a safe certainty that it was consecrated by the touch of the Blutfahne at the Nuremberg Rally. The spear topper was in all probability added later by one of the SA Sturms because the earliest flags had no actual toppers when they were carried into street combats. The topper bears the RZM stamping. It is generally believed that the spear-point flagpole tops were introduced in the early or middle 1930s and were widely used by both the SA and in some instances by the . There truly are few historically important items that could match this extremely rare surviving treasure and it should be in a museum or at least a very noteworthy collection. Alles für Deutschland.






Present-day photo of depiction on mug




Nürnberg Souvenir Party Congress Mug (Item PARTEI 4-19; Third Reich Tableware 1-11)

DESCRIPTION: These wonderful mugs were made to commemorate the town that hosted the famous Nürnberg rallies. Once numerous, they are hard to find nowadays, and when found are often not in pristine condition. This one is by the famous L. Ostermayr glass and porcelain manufacturer and art products shop in Nürnberg. It is that wonderfully heavy, ready-to-last pottery the Germans are so famous for. You can tell it was handmade as the handle has just a slight bend to the side. This does not detract a bit, but just proves it is the real thing! The maker mark is there and also the mark stating it has the capacity for 0.5 liters. It measures 6 inches tall and 4 inches in diameter with a 2-inch handle.It is in perfect condition, no chips or cracks.

PRICE: $750.00


Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Reich Party Days Postcards

Set of Original 1937 Reich Party Days Propaganda Postcards (Item PARTEI 4-20)

DESCRIPTION: This is a nice group of eight original postcards from the 1937 Reich Party Days, all stamped, and half of them were mailed. They're in very nice condition.

PRICE: $400.00*; for the set


Reich Party Days Map

Reich Party Days Map

Reich Party Days Map

Reich Party Days Map

Reich Party Days Map

Original 1938 Reich Party Day Grounds 14 x 12-inch Map (Item PARTEI 4-21)

DESCRIPTION: This is a must-have original item for the NSDAP Reich Party Days collector! Will look great once framed! This 14 x 12-inch foldout map from the NSDAP Reichsparteitag that took place in Nuremberg September 5-10, 1934, is in near-mint condition and is a nice item for the Reich Party Days collector to consider. It’s all on there, SS, SA, HJ, RAD barracks, and marching routes of the formations through Nuremberg, etc. This is a very-well-preserved item that will look great framed on the wall.

PRICE: $150.00*


Reich Party Days Stein

Reich Party Days Stein

Reich Party Days Stein

Reich Party Days Stein

Beautiful, Original Nürnberg City of the Reich Party Days 1-liter Beer Stein (Item PARTEI 4-22)

DESCRIPTION: This is a beautiful and rare 1-liter Reichsparteitag mug properly marked on bottom. There are no issues or problems on this hard-to-find stone mug; it’s a true collector item. They also made a 1½-liter version in this configuration. This is a very solid and usable mug.

PRICE: $995.00*




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