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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich


The SA

Page 3














Book Deutsche Uniformen (Item SA 3-1)

DESCRIPTION: This book, Deutsche Uniformen, is the third volume for 1864-1914 uniforms published under the auspices of the Sturmabteilung, SA, in Berlin in 1933. There was a cigarette company owned by the SA called the Sturm-Zigaretten company, or Verlag. They sold their smokes with coupons that one could redeem for little packets of pictures that then were pasted into this beautiful album provided by the company. There are several pages of text that explain the backgrounds on the uniforms of the various German states and 240 wonderful uniform color illustrations all 1 3/4 x 2 ½ inches all very finely illustrated in glorious layout. The book itself measures 11 x 9 3/4 inches and is in absolutely beautiful condition.




Unofficial SA Military Sport Lapel Pin (Item SA 3-2)

DESCRIPTION: Nice pin, but in dull-gray metal. It's marked "039" on the back. It's larger than official stickpins and different.




SA Military Sports Badge Stickpin (Item SA 3-3)

DESCRIPTION: This is the official SA military sports stickpin crafted in genuine silver. This is not just a proficiency badge, but an actual award. The detail on the badge is phenomenal. It's marked on the back "M 1/6," which means it was made by Karl Hensler in Pforzheim. It's custom made and very fine.

PRICE: $150.00


German Jewelry and Stickpins

NSFK Stickpin (Item SA 3-7)

DESCRIPTION: NSFK, Glider Corps. This is the lapel pin worn by members of this organization of future pilots when in mufti.

PRICE: $125.00


German Jewelry and Stickpins

SA Hochland Edelweiss Pin (Item SA 3-9)

DESCRIPTION: This is a small pin that would be worn attached to the Lederhosen outfits of those tough mountain men from the small towns of the Bavarian Alps. These fellows were the toughest of the SA formations that fought the communists in the early street battles around Munich. Very rare!

PRICE: $68.00 SOLD


German Jewelry and Stickpins

NS Glider Club Stickpin (Item SA 3-10)

DESCRIPTION: This is a stickpin of the NSFK, Glider section. Quite rare.



Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

 Pewter Plaque of Horst Wessel (Item SA 3-11)

DESCRIPTION: Horst Wessel, 1907-1930, SA leader, songwriter, born at Bielefeld on September 9, 1907. He was the son of a protestant clergyman. He studied law at the university, but abandoned his studies after falling in love with a Berlin girl (Berliner Luft), Horst joined the Nazi Party at 19 and became the leader of one of the troops of brown shirts (storm troopers). Later he wrote the lyrics for the celebrated Horst Wessel Lied, originally titled Raise the Banner (Die Fahne Hoch). This, after his murder by a gang of filthy Communist rats, became the anthem of the NSDAP. His untimely death and the recognition of his leadership record, plus the adoration of his troopers now transformed him into an eternal heroic symbol. He was in fact an idealist who had given his life for the Nationalist Socialist cause. Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels called him a socialist Christ when he gave the eulogy at the grave sight. “Die Fahne hoc!/Die Reihen dicht Geschlossen/SA Marschiert mit ruhig festem schritt…” Translated: “Hold the flag high/close up the battered ranks!/SA marches forward with calm, firm stride…” The plate (plaque) measures 9 inches in diameter and is in very fine condition throughout with very tiny, almost invisible scratches. The back has the Fein Zinn (fine pewter) mark with company logo and the name of the manufacturer in Neuhaus. The hanging device was broken off and has a rigged repair that at least works. This is a truly rare and historically important piece of early NSDAP history and a great addition to a good collection.



Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

 Book Horst Wessel (Item SA 3-12)

DESCRIPTION: This is a little book written in the period of the Third German Reich by Fritz Daum. The full title is SA-Sturmführer Horst Wessel for Germany’s youth. There are only two pictures within. The first is across from the title page and is a beautiful depiction of a twilight march of SA troopers illuminated by the lamp posts as they march by. The other one is in the middle of the book and depicts a truck loaded with SA troopers as they ride through “Red Berlin” distributing pamphlets. The angry subhuman reds demonstrate their protest with shaking fists. Horst Wessel was born in 1906 and martyred by the red thugs in 1930. He was the composer of Die Fahne Hoch, Raise the Banner, which became the anthem of the Nazi Party. The book is in fine condition throughout and is 112 pages long. It measure 6 ½ x 8 ½ inches and is a little over ½ inch thick. A very nice SA relic on its own and would grace an SA collection with its presence.

PRICE: $135.00.


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