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Reference Books

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German Clamshell and Other Bayonets (A Collector’s Guide) by Gary Walker (Item REFBOOKS 1-1)

DESCRIPTION: Book has 158 pages in used condition, but not bad. Signed and presented by author in 1985, book number 87. This is a very good reference on these rare daggers and bayonets (long out of print).

PRICE: $25.00


Me Fecit Solingen by Skipper Greenwade (Item REFBOOKS 1-2)

DESCRIPTION: Solingen Made Me by Skipper Greenwade comprises 270 pages with text about Third Reich edged weaponry, production, and marketing (long out of print!); very informative with many pictures of daggers, swords, and their appurtenances; a must for the edged-weapon collector. Good condition with original dustcover.

PRICE: $40.00


The Iron Cross, A History 1813-1957 (Item REFBOOKS 1-3)

DESCRIPTION: Here is a 176-page book chronicling the history of the world’s most famous medal of valor; a great reference; long out of print; great pictures throughout; possibly the best for capsule review of an intense subject.

PRICE: $25.00


Copy of Eickhorn Kundendienst catalog (Item REFBOOKS 1-5)

DESCRIPTION: This was done in a small run and is virtually impossible to find today; many pages copied directly from the original catalog of this the most famous of the edged weapon producers of Solingen; a handy reference and a neat, little souvenir.

PRICE: $22.00


NPEA Daggers and Associated knives by Ron Weinand (Item REFBOOKS 1-6)

DESCRIPTION: This is a concise collector’s guide to these rare daggers in a 151-page book with hundreds of photos, charts, tables from original sources. This is a must for the advanced dagger collector. It’s soft cover and in good condition.

PRICE: $23.00


The Daggers and Edged Weapons of Hitler’s Germany by Lt. Col. James P. Atwood (Item REFBOOKS 1-7)

DESCRIPTION: This was for many years the ultimate “hornbook” of the subject. It still is a great reference and a highly sought after collector’s item on its own. The 240 pages are replete with great pictures and informative text. To me this is the ultimate dagger-and-sword book for Third Reich weapons; almost completely unobtainable today by the master of the art, hobby, vocation.

PRICE: $125.00


Daggers, Swords, and Bayonets of the Third Reich by Frederick J. Stevens (Item REFBOOKS 1-8)

DESCRIPTION: This 206-page book is replete with great pictures; many in color of swords, daggers, etc. This is a first-class publication long out of print. It really is one of the best; original dustcover is in great shape.

PRICE: $38.00


Badges and Insignia of the Third Reich 1933-1945 by Brian Lee Davis (Item REFBOOKS 1-9)

DESCRIPTION: This is the ultimate book by one of the most knowledgeable experts in the world. It would be hard to imagine a finer or more informative book on the subject. Its 208 pages cover just about every aspect of collecting cloth and metallic insignia. Profusely chock full of pictures, drawings, and color illustrations. Not enough can be said about this marvelous book.



WWII German War Booty, Worthless Souvenirs or Priceless Treasures by LTC Thomas Johnson (Item REFBOOKS 1-10)

DESCRIPTION: This 91-page books has pictures that are brilliant (some in color) of the finest and most sacred items of the Reich and pictures of the “enemy of Europe” mishandling them in 1945; a classic reference, but rather sad for Germanophiles.



Military Swords of Japan, 1868-1945 by Richard Fuller and Ron Gregory (Item REFBOOKS 1-11)

DESCRIPTION: This 91-page books has pictures that are brilliant (some in color) of the finest and most sacred items of the Reich and pictures of the “enemy of Europe” mishandling them in 1945; a classic reference, but rather sad for Germanophiles.





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