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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich


Original Rings of the German-American Bund


German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German-American Bund

German Bund Ring (Item G-ABUND 1-9; VERY SPECIAL ITEMS)

DESCRIPTION: This is a beautiful silver ring that has designed by Herr Franz Schnell, the man whose entire jewelry shop we managed to buy at the Stuttgart show a few years ago. See About Our Rings and Silver Insignia. As far as is known, Herr Schnell was the only maker for the insignia who produced such material in silver. His son told us that Franz had a relative in the U.S. who was a member of the Bund, who no doubt was the man who promoted the order for rings and silver lapel pins. We don’t know if the items were ever shipped to the U.S., however, and would appreciate it if someone could shed some light on that aspect. These pieces of fine jewelry bear the ‘A.V’ for ‘Auslands Verein’ that stood for Germans living abroad. More information about the Bund can be seen at Item G-BUND 1-1. On this page the ring has a black enameled top with the ‘AV’ symbol and on both the sides it has the American federal eagle with uplifted wings. Bund members retained a love for the land of their birth or heritage, but were supportive and patriotic to their adopted land, as well. Although the Bund was the largest and most famous of all right-wing organizations it was the least understood and most maligned by distorted media coverage by yellow-rag journalists who in that time were already honing up for the lies and garbage spewed by the same types that exist today such as O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glen Beck, masters of prevarication and baiting technique. A good source of background on the German-American Bund can be found by searching “German American Bund, purpose, organization, and historical facts.” This will give you a good background on the Bund and its agendas. You can also see some great pictures of historic events and articles of ceremony and fraternity. The site is run by Scott Freeland in Texas. Also, look at the other Bund items on our page. The ring is certainly rare and whether the members of the organization ever did wear them is unknown to us. We do know that this jeweler produced a number of them, but it just may be that the enemies of the Bund and of the German or German-American people may have prevailed in destroying the organization before shipment could have been accomplished. Schnell’s son seemed to indicate that the pins both in brass and silver were sent to New York, but he did not know about the rings. We only know that the intention to supply them was certainly on the agenda. They are beautifully designed and the swastika above the column of light emanating from the ‘AV’ designation looks like it’s in the third-dimensional form (a very unusual artistic effect). The ring is die struck in ‘835’ silver and is so stamped inside the shank. The enamel is of the finest jet-black quality. Naturally the rings are in mint condition; one of the nicest looking NS rings and with very important historical value as well.(This ring is the same as the one shown on page 287 of the new book by Scott Freeland titled They too Were AMERICANS, this is a great concise history of the bund.)

PRICE: $800.00


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