General National Socialist Subjects
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German 5-Mark Coins (Item GEN 9-1) |
DESCRIPTION: These are the beautiful Hindenburg 5-mark coins minted in silver during the Third Reich period. We have several in very fine condition with a range of dates-1937 + 1939. Also, we have one in brilliant uncirculated condition from 1938. On the Hindendurg side they have the years of his birth and death: “1837 - 1934,” and his name “Paul von Hindenburg.” On the reverse is the beautiful stylized Reich eagle and under it “Deutsches Reich” and the date. Also, the denomination “5 Reichsmark.” Around the edges of these beautiful coins are other sayings in German.
PRICE: $25.00; for each, $40.00 for the uncirc 1938 coin |
Adolf Hitler Kampfzeit Pocketknife (Item GEN 9-2; AH 13-1) |
DESCRIPTION: This is a little gem of early Nazi Kitch. This is a pocketknife and it’s 100-percent authentic; not one of the British-made “gems.” It has celluloid grips popular at the time with a depiction of Adolf Hitler in his Kampfzeit-period brown shirt superimposed over the swastika flag. The tip of the small blade is broken, but the large one is fine. The logo of the company that made it looks like a pair of spectacles and the words “Herm. Kone Jung A-6 Solingen” appear on the other side of both blades. Open it measures 7 ¼ inches long; with the blades folded it is 3 ¼ inches long. This is a great little Kampfzeit (power-struggle days) item. Also very unusual, it comes with a little carry case made of leather with metallic closure with snap-together top. A classic indeed!
Beautifully Designed Enamel Luftshutz Badge (Item GEN 9-3) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a rather rare little Luftshutz (Air Raid Protection) badge which is in gorgeous enamel presentation. It is the size of a standard NSDAP Party pin (about 1 inch in diameter). “Ges. Getsch.” appears on the back.
Beautifully Designed Luftshutz Badge (Item GEN 9-4) |
DESCRIPTION: This elegant little Air Raid Protection badge is considered quite rare and seldom turns up these days. It’s about an inch in diameter. A company logo and “Ges. Getsch.” appear on the back.
Child’s Bracelet with Enameled Flags (Item GEN 9-5) |
DESCRIPTION: This little trinket was specially made and ordered by a family for their Kleine Madchen as a special birthday gift. The family was patriotic, but they traveled in Europe extensively. You can see among the tiny flags the colors of Switzerland, Greece, Italy, France, Japan, Belgium, Norway, Montenegro, etc., and of course the swastika emblem of their Third Reich nation is at the center. The flags represent the nations that the girl’s parents visited. The base metal under the enameled flags appears to be bronze or possibly it is silver that is tarnished. It is 6 inches long and of course fits a small wrist. This is a very nice little souvenir of Third Reich Kitsch. It’s considered rare.
Book Die arische Frau im Wandel der Jahrtausende, The Aryan Woman doesn’t change in Thousands of Years (Item GEN 9-6) |
DESCRIPTION:This book was published by Dr. Theodor Pugel in 1936, in Vienna, and is a concise history of the world’s finest and most beautiful creature, the Aryan woman. Her beauty and charm, her inner intellect, her nobility among the race of Übermench stands before the world as the symbol of all that is admirable, even to other races. This marvelous book was published during the National Socialist regime and, of course, like no other time in history, was the Nordic woman so adored and venerated, except if one remembers the face that launched a thousand ships (Helen of Troy); a classic Germanic charmer if ever there was one. This wonderful volume traces this goddess, this Aphrodite from Grecian, to Pagan, to the medieval and romantic eras right up to the women of the Third Reich. The Fraunschaft, the BDM, etc.; women in industry, in patriotic support of the men, in farming, nursing, in religious concepts, heroines as St. Joan of Arc and brave ladies such as Marie Antoinette, mythical heroines such as the Wagnerian Valkyries, Krimhild and Brünnhilde are all represented. The Teutonic maidens behind Hermann der Befreier, 260 pages devoted to charm, beauty, heroism, motherhood, and love of husband, lover, king, and fatherland; all expressed by the eternal Aryan woman. The book is 11 1/2 x 9 inches and is 1 inch thick. It is in very good condition and among Third Reich books considered very rare.
Third Reich Period Porcelain Dog (Item GEN 9-7; ART 8-3) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a fine porcelain piece of a terrier by the famous Third Reich artist Erich Oehme. See our porcelain statue at Item SS 7-4 Die Alarm.
This little dog is nowhere near the magnitude and powerful countenance of the alarm, but this piece is definitely Third Reich and in perfect condition. It is not Allach, but it is Meissen. You can’t do much better than that as far as porcelain manufacturers go. Most of the figures produced by Oehme were of animals. His work is very sought after today in Germany. The piece is signed by him and you will see the words “Böttger Steinzeug” with the crossed Meissen swords and the year of manufacture—1937 (68 years ago). The red clay Böttger porcelain is considered the best and rarest of Meissen pieces. Do not underrate this great-looking little guy. He is a proud Third Reich product and in my estimation he is as rare or even scarcer than an Allach piece and fully as important.
The Ultimate Nazi Clock (Item GEN 9-9) |
DESCRIPTION: I guess if you asked we would have to say that this is without a doubt the greatest NSDAP piece of Kitch ever found. It is the best we have ever seen. Here is the early NSDAP eagle as used on pins, buckles, and the early NSDAP stationery. The eagle is entirely craved in wood in the Black Forest tradition with oak-leaf motif in the wreath in the finest relief carving. The clock face is a bold black swastika surrounded by a red field with the clock numbers separately applied. The material of the clock face is an early form of plastic or celluloid. It might even be colored Bakelite. The imposing image produced is NSDAP all the way—a masterpiece of Volkskunst. The villages in the Black Forest region were very pro-Hitler and various items of hand-carved patriotic Nazi-inspired pieces often are found, but never as spectacular as this. The carving is wonderful. The clock is put together like a Black Forest cuckoo clock and I’m sure the works are the same. It is not working at present because we did not get the weights that would attach to the drop chains, but with some attention by any good clock repairman it could be working again. It would be interesting to see and hear what it says when striking the hour—“Heil Hitler”? perhaps. The clock is big. Wingspan from tip to tip is 31 inches and the height form the wreath bottom to top is 20 inches. This is a great Kampfzeit item indeed and a great showpiece.
Official Government Dagger in Near-Mint Condition (Item GEN 9-10; NSD 9-10; DIPLO 1-2) |
DESCRIPTION: Adopted in 1939, this dagger was authorized for wear for selected governmental officials of the Foreign Ministry. Thomas Johnson’s book, Collecting the Edged Weapons of the Third Reich, Vol. 1, pages 94 and 95, shows this style dagger and illustrates the differences between the diplomats’ dagger and the government officials’ dagger. As to availability to collectors, he says, ‘very rare.’ This dagger is by the firm of Eickhorn in Solingen. This is actually the most sought after of the makers on this particular weapon. It has, of course, the famous squirrel logo on the blade with wording ‘original Eickhorn Solingen.’ Instead of going into much detail about each and every part, it should suffice to say that the dagger is the best as close-to-mint example we have ever encountered. The mother-of-pearl grip is described best by saying it is full of the fire of beauty and is unchipped and excellent. The dagger has its original portepee. Blade is 100 percent with no abrasions or darkening (bright!). Here is an offering of a Third Reich treasure that is so rare that it is possible we may never encounter another at this most reasonable price. They do not come better.
Original Wanted Poster for German Saboteur (Item GEN 9-11) |
DESCRIPTION: In its zeal to persecute Germans of the German-American Bund Organization our wonderful FBI (ZOG-influenced agency) put out posters like this on every member of the Germanic societies that had gone home to the Fatherland when the alien influences became America’s mission! America had been sold on Soviet Russia as her buddy and declared war on the German people, citizen or not, before the official declaration of war. Anyone who had any admiration for the new Germany and happened to be German first or second or even third generation was harassed. Our resident historian had friends that were harassed needlessly and horribly all because Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Morgenthau had a deal with Uncle Joe Stalin. Eleanor had special dispensation from the Red also. She hoped for a Soviet America. Hillary is also of that persuasion and has conversations with Eleanor each and every night. This poster is the typical post-office variety in size—11 x 16 inches. It is loosely sealed in plastic and is in good shape. This is original and rare.
Book Grossdeutschland (The Cities) (Item GEN 9-12) |
DESCRIPTION: Published in Leipzig by the Adam Kraft Verlag in the 1930s, this is an absolutely beautiful book showing wonderful pictures; some in sepia tone and others in a gorgeous black and white depicting that most wonderful of all lands, Germany (great Germany) before the rampant destruction wrought by the “democracies.” Here and there are the trappings of National Socialism such as flowing, waving swastika banners and wreathed NS symbols. The swastika military flag shows up in some of the pictures placing the date of the book in 1939 or early 1940. The giant bronze NS eagle shows in the picture of the Reich’s Chancellery in Berlin. The swastika also appears at the top of the traditional maypole in Ulm and der Donau and of course there are the great pictures of the Feldherrenhalle in Munich and the Tribune in Nuremberg for the Reichsparteitag. All in all this is just a great volume showing the glory of the Reich as manifested by its antiquity and its progressive face in the Third Reich era. There is a gift dedication in the front dated June 19, 1941 from Emil. He mentions that these city photos are from beautiful central Europe (Germany). He says, “Let’s enjoy the look of these nice buildings and let’s have a hope for lasting friendship with their inhabitants.” (A hope gone awry, unfortunately.)
PRICE: $245.00 |
Book Alfred Rosenberg, 1893-1946, Der Mythus of the 20th Century from SS Library (Item GEN 9-13; SS 23-5; RAREBOOK 2-9) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is the great book from the party philosopher Alfred Rosenberg. He called this treatise an evaluation of the spiritual confrontation of our age. Rosenberg has been called an inspired and endowed sear and his book A Fountainhead of Fundamental Precepts in the Field of Human History, Religion, and Cultural Philosophy is almost overwhelming in magnitude. The NSDAP view of this immortal work is that “The myth is the myth of the blood, which under the sign of the swastika, released the world revolution, it is the awakening of the racial soul, which after a period of slumber, victoriously put an end to racial chaos.” Rosenberg held several important posts in the NS government including Reichsminister for the newly liberated territories. As such it is duly and historically recorded that Alfred Rosenberg’s constant conflict with the SS and the Reichskomissariats headed by such leaders as Eric Koch over the treatment of Slavs under German occupation. Having been born in a non-German country and having been married to an ethnic Estonian, Rosenberg was appalled at the displacement and enslavement of persons in these occupied eastern countries. In 1945, he was captured by allied troops and tried at the Nuremberg star-chamber trials with every charge the tribunal could throw willy nilly against him. He walked firmly, proudly, to his execution and in the firm conviction that he, like Julius Streicher, was being hanged there at Nuremberg not for actual war crimes, but for what they had said and written. Is it so different now? The book is considered rare on booksellers’ lists.
Factory Guard Detachment Officer’s Patch (Item GEN 9-14) |
DESCRIPTION: Werkschutzpolizei subject only to regulation issued by the Air Ministry and not by police authorities. These men were crucial to the German war effort. They often worked under cover dressed as common laborers rooting out saboteurs and shirkers. The patch is rare and would have been for a very-high-ranking officer. Lower-ranking officers wore a patch with silver embroidery, but not highly raised bullion like this one. It measures 3 x 3 1/2 inches.
PRICE: $165.00 |
Heil Hitler Ring with Swastika (Item GEN 9-15; NSD 10-4) |
DESCRIPTION: This little ring has it all: enameled with squared-off not mobile swastika, the words “Heil Hitler,” and the very early Nazi eagles to the sides. Inside the shank it has the ‘935’ stamp (silver content). This is a rather petite ring and is of the Kampfzeit variety. This was just one of the rings produced in the name of NSDAP nostalgia. These were versions of rings that were produced in the 1930s and 1940s, but the patterns were from original nonofficial rings of the earliest Nazi periods—the 1920s. Some of the rings can have a slight fault now and then. The overwhelming beauty of the pieces makes the above statement minutely technical at best. This ring is the smallest that we handle. I do not refer to size, but rather dimension. But artistically it is the nicest (my opinion). It certainly has meaning and is beautifully designed. The early ones were sold around the Adolf Hitler Platz in the center of Nuremberg where the Führer took the salute of the various party functionaries as they marched to the Reichparteitag grounds. (Party Congress). The little souvenir shops around the Schonen Brunnen handled many of these types of rings, both in the 1920s and later. These recreated rings, Traditionsringe, in the 1930s and 1940s were artistically great. This is quite a rare little ring of the patriotic variety worn by Bewegunsglauber.
Book Film-Anekdoten II. Tiel, Film Anecdotes, Second Part (Item GEN 9-16) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a 100-page book that gives capsule reviews of some of the greatest film actors of the world of cinema. Hilde Weissneer, Olga Tschechowa, Shirley Temple, Pola Negri, Leslie Howard, Ramon Novarro, Jean Harlow, the greatest opera singer of all time Benjamino Gigli, Gary Cooper, Claudette Colbert, Lida Baarova are just some of the immortal nobility of the screen shown here. The absence of Peter Lorre and Marlene Dietrich are hardly missed. This is a 1936 book with the stars approved by Dr. Goebbel’s office. This is truly a rare soft-cover book that is an archival goodie!
PRICE: $135.00 |
Boy Scouts Swastika Token (Item GEN 9-17) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a very neat little advertising token from 1910. The token is to advertise the shoes manufactured for the Boy Scouts by the Excelsior Shoe Company. This is shown on the back of the token with a swastika and other good-luck symbols such as a wishbone, 4-leafed clover, horseshoe, and an unidentified object all shown between the arms of the swastika. On the front of the token it says: “THE ORIGINAL “BOY SCOUTS” SHOE FOR BOYS JULY 1910.” Pictured on a horse is a figure that appears to be wearing the typical Boy Scout Smokey-the-Bear Hat. We have added this item since we have noticed that there are quite a few collectors for anything with a swastika on it (even non-German items).
PRICE: $115.00 |
NSDAP Paper Flags (Patriotic) (Item GEN 9-18; NSD 10-7) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is something quite common in the Third Reich, but somewhat rare, today. We managed to buy several dozens or so of these original little Nazi flags printed on paper in the proper colors and mounted on sticks. These flags were widely distributed when there would be a parade or celebration sponsored by the party or German government of the 1930s. In almost every demonstration of solidarity these little flags would be seen in the hands of patriotic onlookers among the populace, especially children who just loved to wave their swastika flag for the Führer.
PRICE: $65.00 each; 2 for $120.00; 100-percent-genuine Third Reich item |
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WWI Iron Cross Ring made in the 1930s (Item GEN 9-19; WWI 7-16) |
DESCRIPTION: This is not the patriot ring that the German government used to give when you turned in your wedding band or other gold rings. This was the ring worn by persons who had actually won the Iron Cross in either class. The detail is extra fine and in this small cross you can actually read the details. The 1914 and the crown are plainly to be perceived. The sides of the ring shank have a beautiful spray of oak leaves. This is quite nice and made in the 1930s and 1940s.
PRICE: $225.00 |
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Please refer to item designator in parentheses in all correspondence.
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