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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

General National Socialist Subjects

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Armband of Strength through Joy (Item GEN 3-1)

DESCRIPTION: This is the armband of the NS Kraftdurch Freude, a subsidiary of the DAF (Workers' Front)--for the working people of Germany. It was a hugely successful and popular Nazi scheme for the leisure and pleasure for the workers. This was the organization that sponsored the Volkswagen and they also had cruise liners that sailed with worthy workers to the Norwegian fjords and Madeira. Never before had the German people had such opportunity to see so much of their own land and foreign soil. They were given theatre tickets at group-cut prices, etc. A very fine activity and adventure in the fruits of true National Socialism. The armband is 7 X 4 inches and the side stripes are separately adhered. This is the armband of a city guide for KDF.




Luftshutz Armband, Air-raid Protection (Item GEN 3-2)

DESCRIPTION: This 7 ½- X 4-inch armband is 100 percent original with separately sewn side stripes (probably for a leader). This is for the Reichsluftshutzbund, the Air-Raid-Protection Corps. It's in really good condition and the colors are strong (never washed).







Honor Prize for NS Farming (Item GEN 3-4)

DESCRIPTION: This is a medal for Tierzucht, animal breeding. It's from the Reich's farming organization Der Reichsnärstand and it is presented by the Reich's Farm Führer, Walter Darre, 1895-1952, head of the Baurenshaft. It has lost a lot of its gilding, but otherwise is in good, clean condition. It measures 2 inches in diameter and bears the motto Blut und Boden. Very nicely designed medal it is also with original case that bears the inscription translated to 'Honor Prize Coin of the Reichsnahrstandes.'







Bronze NSDAP Bowl (Item GEN 3-5)

DESCRIPTION: This is one of he most dramatic items of Third Reich collectibles. It is a large bronze bowl. Although it is today very rare, they were found in almost every government building in Nazi Germany. They would be commonly placed on a stand in the front entrances to these buildings and were very apparent to the person who enters. Their purpose was to be a receptacle for the calling and business cards of anyone who comes to call on that building in a day's time. The cards were collected each hour during the course of the day. The vessel has as its central motif the Nuremberg-style eagle in high relief. The legs that support the bowl are fashioned after the Sig rune, which means victorious sun and promises the winning strength. The whole motif of this piece is strength through the victory of the NSDAP. The diameter of the bowl's opening is 10 ½ inches and stands 3 inches high. There are no marking on the piece. There has been an attempt to copy this important historical item, but the copies are badly accomplished. The originals like this one are in exquisite detail.










The Little Nazi Songbook (Item GEN 3-6)

DESCRIPTION: This is a real rarity. Very seldom did the NSDAP ever refer to themselves as Nazis. Yet, here it is, Das Kleine Nazi Liederbuch. The full title is Deuschland Erwache, Germany Awake. This is in shaggy condition and the binding has been taped (back then). Thirty-two pages and measures 5 ½ X 4 ½ inches. Included are such SS favorites songs as Kampflied der National Socialisten, Sturmsoldaten, Adolf Hitler Lied, Seigen Oder Sterben, etc. Even more interesting is the advertising at the back for party pins, jewelry, and watch fobs with Hakenkreuz. Even a tongue-in-cheek free one-way fare for the 'qualified' to Jerusalem or Moscow. You could buy these and give them to whom you think might deserve them. Ten tickets 10 pfg; 500 2.20 Rm. This is an absolute treasure for a historian or archivist for the early Kampfzeit material and ORIGINAL!. In the front it appears to be printed in 1923. Extremely rare!

PRICE: $ 300.00




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