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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

General National Socialist Subjects

Page 13


Nazi Party

















Diplomatic Magazine BERLIN, ROM, TOKIO (Item GEN 13-1)

DESCRIPTION: See the descriptions of these magazines in are descriptions of other issues on the previous page at Items GEN 12-12 and 12-13. This is considered one of the most important biweekly magazines of the Third Reich. We offer here one of the most historically important issues in that it chronicles one of the milestones of the tragedy known as The Unnecessary War. This is the title of Pat Buchanan's new book. The beginning pages of this magazine illustrate the recall of the German Botschaft, or embassy officers, in 1942. It speaks loudly about the gargoyle Roosevelt and his procommunist “Kriegspoltik,” war politics. Frankie was foaming at the mouth to get into war against Germany. Also in this issue, are Japanese war movements, the Italian war efforts, a story of Finland against Bolshevism by Marshal von Mannerheim of Finland, and there are some great Italian artworks in addition to an article with fine pictures of the Italian fencing school in Berlin and some great advertisements are in the back pages. This is one of the best issues.

PRICE:   $78.00







Framed Cast NS Eagle Standing Plaque (Item GEN 13-2; SA 12-11)

DESCRIPTION: This is the earliest style of NS-SA eagle. Actually, it was used by the Adolf Hitler Standarte as well. This was the earliest formation of the SS. The wreathed swastika is almost larger than the eagle on this plaque. The early offices of he NSDAP were decorated with exactly this style eagle in the form of wall plaques and free-standing desk plaques such as this one. The eagle became much more refined, later on. This is the rare one, however. The eagle is oddly enough framed. The last owner wanted to hang it on the wall so he decided to frame it. I, for one, would not have done that, but in any case the framing was done in such a way that the plaque is easily removed if that’s what the buyer would prefer to do. The eagle and wreath measure 7 1/2 inches high with its wingspan measuring 9 inches. The frame is 17 1/2 x 12 inches. By the way, the frame is of steel and well made and must have cost a pretty penny to put together. This is a very excellent grouping (frame and eagle) and would make an excellent wall hanging in an NS-period collection.








Cut-Glass Coffee Table Candy Box (Item GEN 13-3)

DESCRIPTION: This is a beautiful cut-glass box that would be a table piece proudly owned and displayed by a patriotic National Socialist family or possibly from the desk of an official. Could it be a swastika-decorated non-Nazi swastika? Well, no. It has to be a period item since the swastika is mobile (“turning”) and the spray of leaves is significant to the décor of the era. It measures 4 1/2 x 3 1/2 inches and is 2 inches deep. This is a beautiful cut or etched fine art piece of the Third Reich and is in perfect condition. The lid with swastika removes.



Red Cross

Red Cross

Red Cross

Red Cross

D.D.A.C. Sanitats Abteilung (Item GEN 13-4; REDCROSS 1-19)

DESCRIPTION: This is the Medical Emergency Department for the Reich’s autobahn. The Führer and his road planners knew early on that a road where high-speed traffic would be the norm was going to see many accidents through the years, this situation was to necessitate a medical-aid department catering to Germany’s travelers. The D.D.A.C., the government-controlled auto club, similar to our AAA, set up training and sponsored aid stations every 300 or so miles of the autobahn for the purpose of emergency medical assistance. The badges are extremely rare and we managed to pick up a collection of them all from one German collector. There are at this point four breast badges and one automobile badge (possibly for an ambulance). They are on German-silver planchets with fine enameled surfaces with the D.D.A.C. initials. That stands for Der Deutsche Automobil Club (The German Auto Club). In the center is a swastika partly covered by the snake on a font (caduceus) of the medical field. The car plaque is about 3 3/4 inches in each arm extension. The badges in the colors shown are in the very same motif, but measure 2 inches on each arm. The manufacturer’s name (Carl Poellath Schrobenhausen) appears on each piece at the back lower arm. The condition of these rare pieces is perfection personified. We would like to sell the group together as a collection; they are so very rare that it would be a shame to break them up. The various colors represent the various districts that each unit was based in. So, no collection duplication is offered here. The entire group represents a complete collection as seen here.














Book: Prussia’s History (Item GEN 13-5; WWI 10-16 )

DESCRIPTION: This is a beautiful little book by Von Rudolf Herzog called Preusens Geschich, the history of the German state of Prussia. 377 pages with many black and white illustrations and full color pictures. The book has a glued in presentation inside the front cover that says it is presented for the 25 Year Jubilee of the rule of our Kaiser and Konig (King). This book is dedicated and the signature of KarlHeinzNeubauer who was the director of the Hohenzollern  School in Berlin Schöneberg Branch  appears in the inside cover .The book also has a N.S. Party property tag in its fly leaf. This is found in books that were donated to the Nazi Book Fund, a section of the Winter Help Work. This was a group that was part of Hitler’s four year plan to assist the poor in the early years of the party’s progress. Measures 6 in x 8 ½ in. All the way from the time of “Albrecht der Bar” (Bar = Bear) right along to Kaiser Wilhelm II. Few color pictures but the 10 or so are brilliant and stunning especially the one of Fredrich The Great leading his troops personally into battle at Zorndorf and the one of Kaiser Wilhelm I entering Berlin after his defeat of the French in 1871. The jubilant crowds greet their warrior King. A beautiful important little book for the true Germanophile Fabulous cover too! !











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Third Reich Travel Poster (Item GEN 13-6 )

DESCRIPTION: This is a fantastic and original poster issued by the office for tourist promotion with the Reichsbahn (railroad system in Berlin) “Reichsbahnzentrale für den Deutschen Reiseverkehr”. This is a very beautiful poster that has been framed professionally and measures in frame 27x42. It has been accomplished with non glare- glass and has acid free backing (museum style). The words are in English and it was found in an old travel agency in New York City that was sold in 1958. The picture depicts “Germany’s modern architectural tone” and shows the tribune Eagle (stylized) from the Nuremberg Rally Grounds. In the background of the Eagle is the Congress hall at Nuremberg that was still under construction in 1936 or 1937 when this poster was issued. In the foreground is the “Haus Der Deurschen Kunst”. The great art museum in Munish built under the Führers direct design and supervision. Germany in the third Rsich had just cause to brag about their architecture. It really was innovative and sound and light years ahead of other such projects in the western world. The poster is as you can imagine super rare as most of them were destroyed in the aftermath of the anil German fervor caused (especially in New York) By Deutschland’s Traditional enemies and after the war for sure just about all such mementos were given the (ash can route.) It is surprising that this wonderful poster made it somehow to be offered. Germania International, LLC scoops the competition once again!



Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein
The lid has portraits of famed anti-Semitic writers

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein
Thumb lift

Beer Stein
Fraudulant sale of a horse

Beer Stein
More theft

Beer Stein
Even more theft

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein
They pickpocket Michael as he sleeps.

Beer Stein
Now awake, Michael ousts them from Germany

Beer Stein
Away they go. Note "Rothschild"

Beer Stein
Out past the German border

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Beer Stein

Anti-Jewish Beer Stein (Item GEN 13-7)

DESCRIPTION: This is an extreme rarity in it dates well before the Nazi regime. The thought is that this is something that was sponsored by the Thule Gesellschaft, a secret group that was virulently anti-Semitic and pro-Germanic. Many leaders of the NSDAP were early members of this organization. Its influence was felt throughout the publishing industry in a Germany that still felt the horrible sting of inflation and the Versailles Treaty. Rightly or wrongly, the blame was placed on the Jews, and such items like this beer stein were manufactured by major companies and found a ready market among the populace, who felt so betrayed and victimized. The way was clear for the march to National Socialism. This stein is truly rare and very much sought after today. In our many years in this field, we have only seen one other and that was in a museum collection. The stein would be banned and illegal in Germany today and in the years right after the war all but a few were destroyed. Today this relic is considered a treasured object of great historic interest, especially since the Thule Society was in a way the vanguard of the Nazi movement. The stein is like a book, so to speak. Around its body are cartoonlike fantasies in block form with each block containing humorous vignettes describing a robbery, theft, and defrauding of the “Deutsches Michel,” a character out of German saga and legend. He embodied the spirit of the German middle class similar to the American “uncle” or the British Tom Jones. The story unfolds as the Jewish merchants in the year 1893 sell items such as useless horses and phony stocks, making loans with unconscionable interest to the German burgers, and while Michel is asleep, they pick his pockets. In the bottom panels Michel is now awake and bans the rascals off to Jerusalem in 1910 and off they go with their money sacks; even the Baron Rothschild joins them. A sign says in the German: “DEUTSCHES HAUS JUDEN HABEN KEINEN ZUTRITT,” “To this house Jews have no entrance.” Another says: “Luck and jubilation ring in greater Germany now that the Jews are gone.” In one of the scenes, the newly arrived expellees are beginning to dance around and worship the golden calf. In one scene is the message: “KAUFT NICHT BEI JUDEN,” “Don’t buy from Jews.” This is the theme later seen on the placards of SA men standing in front of Jewish shops. In bands around the stein under the picture panels are various anti-Semitic sayings. In relief the references to Talmudic law are clear. Many might think all of this absurd; many will find it highly objectionable: but it is history and cannot be eradicated. The time did exist! The feelings were felt. History is a continuum. The observer must make up his or her own mind as to the message purported here. We offer it only as an important relic with a message from the past to be evaluated in academic research; a formulated opinion will be the result. The stein is about 8 1/4 inches high. The artwork and design was by a porcelain-art company in Cologne that signed it. The lid or top of the stein and the handle bear portrait likenesses of the anti-Semitic leaders of a various organizations such as Thule, the ancient order of Teutons and the “Germanen Orden.” The pictures are set in round plaques surrounded by floral design. We cannot emphasize enough how very rare this beer stein is. It surely should be in a museum display. These are the times and objects that stirred men's souls!



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or call at 706.782.1668 or 706.782.4398.

Please! do not call during the wee hours of the morning. The best time for calling us is between 9 and 11 am and between 9 and 11 pm eastern time.