Hitler Third Reich Collectibles

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Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

Kaiser Reich

I bet you think you know all about Adolf Hitler! Think again!
Here is a great book crammed full of rarely revealed facts now divulged in a comprehensive and immensely compelling revisionist narrative.
Please go here to read a review of
Gun of Destiny: Adolf Hitler's Smith & Wesson Revolver
by Robert A. Johnston.

Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Page 30

Der Fuhrer


Metal Placard HItler Image
Very rare metal window sign advertising that this NSDAP journal
is carried at the shop the sign is displayed in.

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Metal Placard HItler Image

Incredible Völkischer Beobachter Advertising Window Sign (Item AH 30-1; GEN 15-11; NSDAP 21-31)

DESCRIPTION: Accompanied by a great early image of Adolf Hitler is an original metal placard from the 1930s advertising the official NSDAP newspaper that is labeled Die Zeitung des Führers (Daily News of the Führer). Under this in raised letters are the words “Völkischer Beobachter” “People’s Observer” and below that are the words “ZENTRALORGAN DER N.S.D.A.P.” (Central news source of the Nazi Party). Next to this we see the early form of the National Socialist eagle. Next to that we read: “ÄLTESTES KAMPFBLATT DER BEWEGUNG” which means “The Oldest Fighting Edition for the Movement.” Below this it says “hier zu haben” (“Here, we have it.”) (For Sale). The colors are bright, with a few minor abrasions and scratches (very minor). The placard is large measuring 19 inches by 13 ¼ inches. There are two grommet holes at the top so that the sign can be hung on a wall or a shop window. This is absolutely an awesome and historically important piece of early NSDAP paraphernalia—extremely rare and handsome. The back is essentially blackened tin. In our many years of experience in this field, we have never occasioned another of these in German military shows or American collections.




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