I bet you think you know all about Adolf Hitler! Think again! |
Adolf Hitler
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Meissen Plaque of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 16-1; ART 10-10) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is the greatest Hitler plaque we have ever seen. Struck by the famous firm of Meissen, it is in Böttgersteinzeug from the Staatlich Porcelain Manufacture Meissen. It is cased and seems to be an award to a German competitor in a sports match between Germany and Argentina at Berlin September 30 to October 1, 1941. The words inside the case are: “Fernwettkampf Deutschland-Argentinien. The plaque was sculpted in the brown stoneware by Erich Oehme in 1941. Evidenced by the two holes in the top back, the plaque was designed to hang on a wall. Erich Oehme was the Meissen specialist in this particular porcelain technique and it was he who brought back the early 18th century form of porcelain manufacture that was developed by Meissen, but basically dropped by the company in the mid 19th century in favor of the white, hard-paste porcelain that found such favor in the populace and in the European courts. Oehme thought that the detail of important sculptures such as this one could be better appreciated when detail was the prerequisite. His figures and plaques are some of the finest ever done. To create a face that is realistic in a painting in oil or a watercolor is certainly a great accomplishment, but to sculpt such a face is a task left to artistic genius. Oehme was clearly such an artist. For further information about this cultural master please see some of his other works listed on our site. See Item ART 10-9 and the other Meissen items on that same page. Also, don’t fail to see the great Oehme creation ‘Die Alarm’ at Item SS 7-4 and the Scottish Terrier, Item ART 8-3. This plaque is 6 inches in diameter and is quite heavy as Steinwerk always is. The likeness of the Führer is possibly the best we have ever seen. On the back is a large swastika outlined and in high relief. The case is in blue leatherette and measures 8 x 8 inches and is in very fine condition. This is just a great Object d’Kunst extraordinaire and priced very reasonably for such an important historically, valuable piece.
PRICE: $1,800.00 |
Hand-painted Scene of the Führer’s Landhaus in Obersalzberg (Item AH 16-2) |
DESCRIPTION: This was Haus Wachenfeld in 1928. Hitler moved into this lovely home in the beautiful Obersalzberg mountain setting. He actually rented it for 100 Deutsche marks a month. Finally, on September 17, 1932, he bought the house and the price was finalized on June 26, 1933, for 40,000 gold marks. On occasion Hitler would mention, “Yes, I have a close link with this mountain. Much was done there; those were the best times of my life…my great plans were forged there.” Later, under intensive remodeling the house was renamed The Berghof, but Haus Wachenfeld always had a particular spot in his heart. This rendering of the Landhaus is done by hand on black velvet and is quite colorful and accurate as to detail. It measures 20 x 15 inches and is completely original from the time.
PRICE: $450.00 |
1944 Wound Badge Stickpin (Item AH 16-3; WEHR 19-8; PINS 4-25) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is a miniature 1944 Wound Badge in the form of a stickpin. It you read the section called “About Our Rings,” you will see a synopsis of how we bought a fabulous collection of jewelry, insignia, etc., in Stuttgart, Germany a few years ago. This stickpin in multiples was found in the huge grouping. The reason there were so many of these found is that our elderly jeweler made these up soon after the 1944 badge was authorized. BIG MISTAKE. He had thought that the stickpin would be highly thought of and could be proudly worn by people who would seek to honor their leader’s escape from death at the hands of the vile traitors of July 20, 1944. But, after making them and perhaps selling a few to clients, he was visited by the Geheimefeldpolizei, (German Military Secret Police) and cautioned to refrain from producing anymore of these pins for public consumption. At the time, he turned over about 100 of the pins to the officials and we would guess that actual recipients did end up owning one of these. The problem as it was explained to him was that this was almost a sacred item (the actual badge) and regardless of the patriot’s intent, this badge (or any semblance of it) could only be worn by the actual recipients. The actual badge was struck by the C.E. Junker firm in Berlin and only 47 badges were known to have been awarded. The miniature was intended to be sold to Junker, but this intervention by the Army Police curtailed any thoughts of marketing these miniatures at all. So we are told by this jeweler’s son that possibly 200 were made by his father. The dies were destroyed or turned over to the police, but the ones we managed to buy were all that were left. The detail is astounding and the letters on the front of the badge stand right out and could be read in Braille. They are so perfect the ‘800’ for silver content is clearly stamped on the back. We believe the Germans who bought 1/3 of the grouping have a couple struck in genuine gold, but we have only the silver version at this time.
A Truthful CD Interview with Otto Remer: The Real Story of 20 July 1944 “WALKURIE” |
DESCRIPTION: Well, we all have seen the long expected film, Valkyrie (in German “Walkurie”). This Hollywood extravaganza is as was expected, a flamboyant glorification of a bunch of bumbling traitors who failed in their nefarious plans to assassinate Germany’s leader, Adolf Hitler, and thus hopefully make a separate peace with Germany’s enemies. Those of us that have sat through the talking head Bill O.Riley’s show have seen the nightly segment called Pinheads and Patriots that he spreads before us in his Neo-Con fashion. Well here in this “historic” docudrama we have a classic case of “Pinheads vs. Patriots” and Count Von Stauffenberg played by Tom Cruise was the classic “Pinhead” while the Patriot title goes to Col. Otto Remer. Due to the yellow rag press that exists in several countries including ours, the July 1944 conspirators are officially venerated while outstanding war time combat heroes and selfless patriots such as Col. & Late Brigadier General Otto Remer are dishonored. Otto Ernst Remer (born Aug 18, 1912) died Oct 4, 1997 at the age of 85. He served with distinction in the German army (1930-1945) during the Second World War. He served bravely as a front line officer in France, the Balkans and on the eastern front after promotion to Major and then Colonel in 1944. He was chosen to command the elite Grossdeutschland Guard Regiment in Berlin. It was in this post that the 31 year old officer played a historically pivotal role in putting down the attempt by a small circle of insurgent officers to kill Adolf Hitler and seize control of Germany’s government. It is interesting to note at this point, that if Germany (or the U.S) were ever to find their nations in another major war, it would be suicidal to cite as role models for its soldiers and officers the individuals such as Von Stauffenburg and the other conspirators and individuals who tried to assassinate the nation's leader and overthrow the government in a murderous Putsch. Every nation has a healthy survival instinct and naturally venerates, particularly in the time of war, individuals who make exemplary self sacrifice, and embrace patriotism and heroism -- men of the caliber of General Otto Ernst Remer. Fate had thrust Col. Remer into that fateful role, a challenge that he met and remained steadfast and loyal to his Wehrmacht oath. Count V. Stauffenberg also took that same oath but like the craven coward that he was, he not only broke it, but killed four fellow army officers and wounded scores of others in his failed homicidal mission. Had he been so dedicated to his ideals and murder was his agenda, why did he not simply walk into that command H.Q. and simply shoot the Fuhrer? At that point in time, army officers of his rank were trusted to wear their side arms in the buildings that Hitler was present in. Why?- - There looms only one answer --cowardice. On the other hand, Col. Remer forged forward and was directly responsible for the arrest of most of the conspirators on that fateful day. Now, as Paul Harvey used to say, “Here’s the rest of the story!” We offer a CD recording of an interview with Colonel Remer in 1987 called, ‘My Role in the Putting Down of the 1944 Attempt to Overthrow Hitler." This is a two part recording wherein Remer gives the full fascinating account of his actions on July 20, 1944. To us, it is much more interesting and truthful than “Valkyrie” with Tom Cruise. The movie reviews call Stauffenberg a “good German.” Well, that is very debatable. When it is put under the magnification of practical geopolitical warfare with this CD, we hope to illustrate the other side of the coin. We believe we have the “Good German” in Col. Remer. At the 1987 conference, Remer said he acted in good conscience and if he had it to do over he would do it all the same. I say if I had to write this review over again I would do it all the same! We now present this great talk by this brave man who now belongs to history. PRICE: The two CD set for $25.80 plus postage -- Don’t miss it ! |
Book Die Strassen Adolf Hitlers, The Roads of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 16-4; NSD 11-4) |
DESCRIPTION: This is a beautiful little rare edition of the story of the German autobahn, one of the great achievements of the National Socialist Party and its leader, Adolf Hitler. Actually, this was the world’s first super highway. We have them to thank for this technical wonder of the earth. The foreword is by Dr. Fritz Todt, the general inspector for German autobahn construction and the father of advanced road construction. It’s about 65 pages long and measures 9 x 6 inches. It was produced in the Baujahr (building year) of 1933/1934 and released in May 1935. There are 60 full-color artistic renderings of the “great road” in construction and also pictures of completed sections. This is an excellent memento of possibly the most historically important project of the 20th century. This is a terrific book for the NSDAP collector or the serious collector of automobile-related subjects. It’s in fine condition throughout.
Bust in Wood of Adolf Hitler (Item AH 16-5; ART 11-5) |
DESCRIPTION: This is an awesome sculpture in wood. It is a 100-percent genuine Third Reich object d’art in life-size likeness. It may have been a Hitler Youth project. There were advanced woodworking schools within that organization and some of the work turned out was artistically phenomenal. This particular rendering is excellent. We have often noted that to capture the likeness of a personage in wood carving is considered much more difficult than to paint it on canvas. Whoever created this one certainly knew what he was doing. All the features that have come to be known of the Führer’s countenance are there. As always with carvings in oak, there has been one crack discernable at the left side behind the ear. This invariably happens at some point. Thank goodness it finally happened at a point where it hardly matters. It would have been terrible if it would have been in the face area. Please understand this will happen on each and every oak-carved piece that is this large. The bust from the bottom of the neck to the top of the head measures about 14 1/2 inches and from the back of the head to tip of the nose about 11 or 12 inches. The entire wooden sculpture is covered with some sort of very thick application of heavy-duty paint that has been applied back then (the 1930s) to approximate in looks a bronze sculpture. It is unfortunately not signed. The original base was probably in quartz or marble and is no longer with it, but the previous owner had a wooden plinth made and it sits on this quite well. The plinth measures 8 inches square and 5 inches deep and is very well constructed. This is much more rare than a bronze bust. In many years of research in German N.S. art we have never even heard of one. At two points: one at the neck in back and one at the back of the head the paint has lifted exposing a bit of the darkened oak underneath—easy to repair if need be. We don’t touch up original works of art. This we would consider one of the most important art pieces that we have encountered in many years. It’s a true museum specimen of rather high sculpture’s art.
Book Jugend um Hitler, Youth Around Hitler (Item AH 16-7; YOUTH 6-4) |
DESCRIPTION: Here is an extremely rare Heinrich Hoffman soft-cover book that shows the German Aryan youth admired so much by the Führer, Adolf Hitler. The essence of the NSDAP was youth. Nothing was more important. To the Bewegungskameraden, youth was naturally the future and the future had to be formed there and then. Hitler was enamored by youth not as the yellow-rag journalists indicate, but with a true sense of love for the children that he believed would with early indoctrination in sport, religion, and most importantly, racial pride and patriotism would make them rise to be the Herrenvolk of the future. The book is the typical Hoffmann book, but is one of the scarcer ones. The condition of the cover is, in a word, terrible. But from page 1 on, the pages are fine and the photography is some of the most excellent from the man whose every work was par excellence. The beaming faces of the fair-haired little Teutons tell much of their feeling for he who led their beloved Germany. A famous controversial little girl to whom the Führer paid particular attention was a Fräulein named Bernile Nienau. There are five full-page photos of her with the Führer. She certainly was the little apple of his eye. These pictures are at the end of the book. Heinrich Hoffmann on page 193 of his book, Hitler Was My Friend, said, “If Hitler was in a good mood he would summon children out of the crowd at the Obersalzberg and entertain them to tea or cakes on the Berghof terraces. Sometimes inevitably among the little guests were some who were not of pure Aryan descent and among the many photographs which I took of these kindergarten receptions and which, when published in all innocence in my volume caused a great flutter. On one occasion a very lovely and eager little child attracted Hitler's attention, and he had a long talk with her and invited her mother to bring the little girl often to see him. Little Berneli, as the child was named, became Hitler's admitted sweetheart, and many were the snaps I took of them on the terrace together. Her father, we found, was an ex-officer, who had won the Iron Cross, Class I. Then one of the many over-zealous busybodies of the Party, who knew the family and had nothing better to do than to scurry to Bormann and tell him that the child was not of pure Aryan descent. Bormann immediately forbade the mother and child ever to appear in Hitler's presence again, but—and this was typical of the man—he did not tell Hitler what he had done. Later, when Hitler enquired what had become of his little friend, Bormann was merely evasive. A real row started, however, when Bormann saw the photo of Hitler and the little girl together in my book. In great excitement he demanded that the photograph should be forthwith removed, and when I told him that this was technically not possible, he demanded that the whole book should be scrapped. This was too much of a good thing! Without further ado, I went straight to Hitler, told him the whole story and asked him to decide the issue. Hitler always hated it when he was faced with anything which he found irksome or embarrassing, and this time his scorn was directed against those who had denounced the child. If they had held their stupid tongues, no harm would have been done; as it was, although he did not interfere with my book, he felt he had to be logical and refuse to see the child any more. There are some people,' he told me, 'who have a positive genius for spoiling all my little pleasures!' So the book is not only rare, but these pictures along with Hoffmann’s story give a further insight into the man who was Adolf Hitler. The full name of the little girl and information is copyright material owned by Mr. Donald Boyle, who has the original pictures in his collection.
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Please refer to item designator in parentheses in all correspondence.