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 Presentation Mappe to Reichsführer- Himmler (Item LEB 1-1)

DESCRIPTION: This is truly rare in that it is a beautiful leather-bound Mappe, (folder or portfolio) presented to the founder of the Lebensborn, the system of the women's lying in hospitals know as the Lebensborn E.V. This was a pet project of the Reichsführer-, and the appreciative girls who put this together for presentation to him in 1939. The paper is the finest of parchment and the calligraphy-style printing is accomplished in script fracture. Each page seems to be expressions of admiration and grateful enthusiasm. The signatures are numbers given to the patients and temporary residents of these institutions such as Steinhöring, south of Munich (see our Lebensborn tapestry. This is a true historic treasure in beautiful condition. It contains only 10 letters or statements, but beautifully presented . The presentation page at the front is noted as received by Himmler who dates it in his typical handwriting in the ever-present green pencil. The covers are decorated in the corners with various runes of the SS organization both front and back. The album measures 9 X 12 and it is truly a historically important treasure and a fantastic remembrance of a wonderful social experimentation and institution.

PRICE: $ 2.850.00



Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn Letter
Confirmation letter
Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn home in Bavaria
Lebensborn Letter
Another in Taunis
Lebensborn Letter
Lebensborn mothers with children
Lebensborn Letter
SS Baptism Ceremony
Lebensborn Letter
Birthing home
A Letter Regarding (SS Lebensborn) Concerning A Child Born Out of Wedlock (Item LEB 1-2)
DESCRIPTION: This is an interesting letter officially signed by an SS Standartenfuhrer in his capacity in the organization “Lebensborn.” It concerns a child who was sired by an SS man who was killed in an auto accident and the child was born out of wedlock and the mother of the child, Charlotte Lorenz, wanted some help from the Lebensborn E.V. but the letter says she must first prove she was of the Aryan race and furthermore the Ebensburg was investigating the matter. A letter that is attached confirms that the SS member Rottenfuhrer Hans Suss was killed in the accident and it mentions he left behind a child out of wedlock. The Lebensborn is now and has been since WWII a target for the rumor mongers and fantasy peddlers. Even today, the man in the street thinks he remembers (‘dimly’) that the Hitler regime had some sort of racist scheme to operate human stud farms with the Party faithful acting as the studs and blond, blue eyed girls as recipients of their "service," "Himmler's Baby Factories," SS bordellos and "breeding farms for the Master Race" – these were just a few of the derogative terms invented by pornographers and anti-German propagandists which have been used to describe Lebensborn E.V. (E.V.) stands for Registered Association or in German Eingetragener Verein. Actually, this SS affiliate was nothing so sinister. It was in fact nothing more than a system of lying in hospitals for pregnant women, but multitudes at the time leapt at the chance to believe the worst wherever Germans are concerned- and sadly, that is still the case today.
At the Nuremberg Star Chamber court convened in the Oct. 10, 1947 by the U.S. Military Tribunal, a trial that lasted 5 months and the surviving members of the organization faced formal proceedings brought against them. As a result, the defendants were cleared of all the dubious charges against them and their organization except membership in a “criminal organization” (the SS). This charge was leveled at the SS prior to this at the Kangaroo court at Nuremberg. Historian Erich Kean later summarized the facts about Lebensborn: Lebensborn E.V. was among the most exemplary charitable organization of its time. Founded in 1936, it grew to include a total of 18 lying in hospitals. These also served as temporary homes for orphans, more than 11,000 children first saw the light of day in them. Unwed mothers it is true were also accepted by these hospitals but in such cases every effort was made to arrange subsequent marriages with the biological fathers, and the organization offered further care to the extent needed. This often included help in securing living quarters. In special cases adoptions were arranged. The facilities admittedly were not available to all German women. There were in fact racial requirements, and proof of Aryan ancestry including all four grandparents had to be provided. Women with obvious genetic defects were also excluded. But the facilities, though financed entirely from monthly contributions by SS members were not restricted to the SS alone. During the war years up to 90% of the women giving birth there were the wives of soldiers an officers of the Army, Navy, and Air Force. As to the charge that Lebensborn participated in a program for the Germanization of children abducted from the conquered territories, the U.S. military tribunal found no substantiating evidence whatsoever, On the contrary, it found Lebensborn policy was to make every effort to bring orphaned children together with their surviving next of kin. Children transferred to Lebensborn orphanage facilities by other organizations always received the best possible care no instance s of cruelty or sexual abuse of any sort were ever suggested at the various tribunals. These factual and judicial findings however, proved to be no barrier to the myth makers and smut peddlers. The nonsense reached its apogee in the late 1950’s (“German”)? Film muckraker Arthur Brauner produced a film entitled simply ‘Lebensborn E.V. In Brauner’s Cinematic Fantasy, these lying in hospitals underwent a transformation into “sex parks”. This film was an instant hit and was circulated throughout the globe. All attempts to block the defamation of German men and women failed in the court system. As a result, to this day “Lebensborn” often arouses even in literate people a vision of beautiful, scantily clad young women offering themselves to SS officers. It is a complete fiction, yet when was truth ever a bar to poplar misconception about the Third Reich? Actually, when you come right down to it, the National Socialist’s and especially the SS were quite prudish, so are most authoritarian regimes. Loose sex is for the democracies who frivolously delight in it! The letter we offer is historically important and is proof in a way of the social and given by this organization to unwed mothers and it also is evidence of several other philanthropic values of the Lebensborn, and is from the death registration office of the SS. It has receipt marking in red pencil and the signature the SS Rottenfuhrer plus a file stamp from one personal staff office of the SS. Lebensborn Material of any kind is extremely rare since the OSS people who attended the surrender of the various Lebensborn hospitals confiscated and destroyed most all paperwork from the organization. They didn’t want the actual facts to emerge about the good works of Lebensborn. So my collector and researcher friends this document is well worthy of preservation and should be archived for posterity. The document is all there with a few nicks here and there it should be framed with museum style framing and we can arrange this for you if you like. The full document measures 12 x 8-1/2. The smaller notice measures 9 x 8.

PRICE: unframed is $480.00



The gift package

Lebensborn home in Bavaria

A visitor to the Lebensbornheim

Gift Package for Children of the Lebensborn (Item LEB 1-3)

DESCRIPTION: This is a Christmas (Julfest) gift envelope from the Bad Polzin -Lebensborn Home in Pomerania. This particular Lebensbornheim was located in an ancient medieval castle. The bag is 5 x 7 inches in size and was filled with some little gift and presented to children. What gift? We will never know. They were for children whose mothers were living at the facility at Christmastime. The SS referred to the holiday as Julfest. This home was opened in May 1938. The bag says at its top Gau Kinderheim Bad Polzin and Lebensborn zum Julfest. Yes, it is very rare, but Germania always likes to pass rarities along for collectors at the minimum cost. The only other one of these items we have ever seen offered was featured on the web site named “Olive Drab” and it offered one for $455.00. We offer ours for $175.00.







The christening of a Lebensborn child.
Note the sleeve patch of the officiating officer.

Lebensborn home in Bavaria

Prinz Eugen soldiers used the Odal rune on their collars.




Sleeve Patch of the Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt- (RuSHA) (Item LEB 1-4)

DESCRIPTION: The Lebensborn program, explained in other narratives on this page, was in fact part of the Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt- (RuSHA) (SS Race and Settlement Main Office) when it was first established December 31, 1931. One of the first tasks was to draw up an official list of racial-value origins. This list of values was to be used only to determine racial quality in choosing recruits for the Allgemeine-. A series of hygienic principles were laid down and insistence on racial health for improving racial stock by means of selection for the Herrenvolk was its basic policy. There was supervision of the marriage of individuals of pure blood and the bringing up of children in the correct sense of Aryan responsibility. In the following years Lebensborn was placed under the control of RuSHA. Its responsibility then encompassed not only the genealogical side of entry and marriage investigations, but also the task of selective breeding. There has always been the opportune moments used by the left to accuse the Lebensborn program of being ‘stud farms’ where officers bred with Aryan women. These prevarications of the lowest order can of course be expected from persons that emanate from the lowest order of scoundrels the earth has ever seen. On the contrary the Lebensborn facilities are regarded by reasonable historians to have been “admirable institutions” which gave protection and assistance to unmarried mothers of Germanic blood. Siegfried Engel (author) is one of the supporters who has portrayed Lebensborn in a positive light. He claims that they were nothing more than a ‘system of lying-in hospitals for pregnant women’ *Engel 1998. He maintains that Lebensborn is just another tool of the vicious left used as another form of evil propaganda to cast an undeserved negative light onto the German people.

The Patch

This, first of all is a 100-percent genuine sleeve patch of the RuSHA. It came out of a group of other patches that were looted from Dachau by the American 20th Armored Division. Areas of the work camp of Dachau had great warehouses where various items were stored and sorted. Many cloth articles were manufactured there as well, and one of the departments was a sewing establishment for uniforms for both German organizations and for foreign volunteer regiments and divisions. That is where this extremely rare patch originates. RARE! Why? Ninety-five percent of patches of this type that are today offered on other sites are reproductions made in Pakistan. This one is, however, 100-percent guaranteed to be not only German, but from that Dachau holding center and is rare even in that lot. I have seen many of the Dachau patches, but they are generally for Waffen- divisions and almost never are there any political patches from this special group. Interestingly enough, the soldiers of the Waffen- Division Prinz Eugen used the Odal rune on their collar tabs (see images). So, here is a super-rare patch. I hope you can appreciate it as I do!




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